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Digital Media & Advertising Glossary

Digital Media & Advertising


The practice of targeting users who visited your website and left without buying via display ads on other websites. The display ad usually shows the last item browsed or an item recently put in the cart for checkout.

Media Platforms & Technology

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

The amount of revenue generated by all customers who made a purchase and received advertising messaging). It is calculated as Revenue / Advertising Costs.

Digital Media & Advertising

Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS)

How much revenue you make for each dollar spent on ads. ROAS can help you see if your ads drive revenue for your business.

Digital Media & Advertising

Return on investment (ROI)

Typically calculated as total revenue divided by total costs. ROI is critical to watch to ensure that your ads are effective and drive results for your business.

General Advertising


A company launches a review when it is evaluating its agency-of-record relationships. A consultancy typically searches for agencies that best suit the company’s needs, and then the company narrows it down to a few agencies that are then asked to participate in a competitive pitch for the given account. Incumbent agencies are sometimes invited to […]

Media Platforms & Technology

Rich Media

Rich media is similar to banner ads but with added interactivity that encourages more interaction from the user through added features, such as video, audio, or animation. Rich media ads can also expand to a larger size and contain added features within the ad, such as polling, send to a friend, downloads, and more.These ads […]

Media Buying


Digital advertisement involving every unit on a webpage, giving the client a 100% share of voice on the page.

Media Buying

ROP Color

Color printing that is done during the scheduled press run and is placed in the regular space of the publication.

Media Buying

Run of Paper (ROP)

Newspaper advertising that is positioned to run anywhere in a publication, with no exact choice of a specifi c position or page. Placement is at the discretion of the newspaper.

General Advertising


Scatter is buying and selling ad inventory on a short-term basis, closer to the programming airing, rather than all at once for a publisher’s or broadcaster’s year. (See “upfront.”)

Media Buying


A list of advertisements or media to be used in a campaign along with the timing of placements.

Media Buying

Schedule and Estimate

Detailed information submitted to the advertiser prior to a media buy; traditionally details price, schedule, publications and goals.

Digital Media & Advertising

Search engine crawler

A program used by search engines to gather and interpret data from pages on a website before the search engine indexes the site.

General Advertising

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is using keywords and links to increase a website’s visibility in organic search results and thus bring in more and better web traffic.

Digital Media & Advertising

Search engine optimization (SEO)

The practice of altering web pages to maximize the number of visitors to that page by ranking higher on SERPs. SEO and PPC are often used together to help businesses increase presence in search results.

General Advertising

Second Screen

Second screen is the idea that those using one screen (for example, watching a television show) often also utilize another at the same time (e.g., posting on Facebook via smartphone). The goal is to make the TV experience interactive for the viewer, raising more awareness of the brand, product or service and ultimately exposing the […]

Media Platforms & Technology

Second-Party Data

Data that is shared with a partner, often to help with personalization or to support a mutually beneficial partnership.

Media Buying

Secondary Audience

Readers of a publication in addition to the initial buyer. Also called Pass Along Readership.

Media Platforms & Technology


Short for Search Engine Marketing, this marketing tactic uses paid media advertising to give websites higher rankings in search engine result pages (SERPS) for increased visibility.

Media Platforms & Technology


Short for Search Engine Optimization, this is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to a website through organic search engine results to give higher rankings in search engine result pages (SERPS) for increased visibility.



This acronym is short for Search Engine Optimization. Basically, SEO is making sure your website shows up in search results instead of being lost in the ether – which means more site visitors. You can improve your WordPress SEO by using relevant tags, categories and keywords in your posts and headlines, and by writing headlines […]