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Website Development Glossary

Website Development

301 redirect

A permanent redirect from one URL to another, usually from your old website to the new website. (e.g.“website.com/about-us” now redirects visitors to “website.com/our-company” on the new website.)


51% Attack

an attack in which a single entity or organization gains control of over half of the nodes or mining power on a network. This then allows the entity to disrupt the network by excluding certain transactions, double spending cryptocurrency, and performing other malicious acts.


A/B testing (or split testing)

A/B split testing is a simple process that lets you compare two versions of a webpage so you can determine the most effective strategy. You show Version A and Version B to groups of would-be customers during the same time frame to learn which approach nets the higher conversion rate.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD)

Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) involves team members with different perspectives (customer, development, testing) collaborating to write acceptance tests in advance of implementing the corresponding functionality.

Website Development


Website accessibility concerns making a website accessible by people with disabilities. All websites built should follow guidelines outlined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


Address verification service (AVS)

A service that credit card processors implement to verify that the billing addresses of your customers match the addresses on their credit card statements.


Affiliate marketing

A marketing strategy in which your ecommerce business partners with online publishers so that they will promote and endorse your products and send customers to your website. Typically, the affiliate receives a fee for every website visitor or sale generated from the promotion.

Development Operations (DevOps)


A program installed on specific physical servers in order to handle the execution of various processes on that server.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Agile methodology

While Agile gets thrown around by project managers, and is used to describe everything from teams to tools, it’s actually a project management methodology that was originally created with software development in mind. Depending on who you talk to, you may run into wildly varying definitions for what constitutes Agile. But the Agile manifesto that […]

Development Operations (DevOps)

Agile Software Development

A software development methodology and philosophy, focused on user feedback, software quality, and the ability to respond quickly to changes and new product requirements



a marketing technique in which crypto projects send their native tokens directly to the wallets of their users in an effort to increase awareness and adoption.

WordPress CMS


Akismet is a spam filter plugin for blog comments and pings. The idea is to moderate comments automatically so that you can spend your time doing other things – it stops an average of 7.5 million pieces of spam per hour! Akismet is pre-installed on your WordPress blog, but you’ll need to activate it when […]

Development Operations (DevOps)


The number of units required to achieve a desired GRP level in a market.

Website Development

ALT tag

Alternate descriptive text that is displayed inside the image placeholder while the page is loading or is read by a screen reader. ALT text plays a role in optimizing a website for ADA compliance, helps with SEO ranking, and overall web accessibility.



initially used to refer to any cryptocurrency that wasn’t Bitcoin, altcoin may now refer to any new cryptocurrency with a relatively small market cap.

Website Development

API (Application Programming Interface)

an interface implemented by an application for other applications to communicate with and use its resources. For example: you use Google Maps API to implement a version of Google Maps on your website.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Application Release Automation (ARA)

A practice of deploying software releases to various environments and their configurations with as little human interaction as possible.

Development Operations (DevOps)


Any description of a process used to create a piece of software that can be referred to, including diagrams, user requirements, and UML models.


Assisted conversions

This Google Analytics report summarizes and ranks the importance of marketing channels in a consumer’s conversion journey. It helps you identify the channels responsible for generating leads and visits to your website so you can nurture would-be customers and convert them.


ATH- All Time High

the highest price an asset has ever had.


ATL- All Time Low

the lowest price an asset has ever had.