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Media Buying Glossary

Media Buying


A digital border that is drawn around a specific address or set of addresses used to target users with digital ads when they are present at that specific location.

Media Buying


The geographical area being targeted by a digital campaign.

Digital Media & Advertising


Geofencing is the use of GPS technology to create a virtual fence around a specific geographic region, enabling your software to send ads to users once they enter the designated geofence area. Targeted users will be eligible to receive ads up to 30 days after entering the geofence region.

Digital Media & Advertising

Geographic targeting

Choosing an audience for a campaign based on geographic variables like cities, states, and zip codes.

General Advertising


Geotargeting is showing content based on users’ locations.

Media Platforms & Technology


The method that allows advertisers to serve ads to consumers that correspond to their location (country, region, city, zip code). Geotargeting is limited by law in some locations.

General Advertising

Graphic Design

Also called communication design, graphic design combines text and visuals to share ideas intended to promote, educate or call to action.

Media Buying

Gross Billing

Cost of an advertising buy that includes the advertising agency commission.

Media Buying

Gross Impressions

The total impressions for a series of ads or an ad campaign among a given audience.

Media Buying

Gross Rating Points (GRP’s)

A measure of how much advertising exposure is going to a given audience in a media plan.

Media Buying


The blank space between margins of facing pages of a publication or the blank space between columns of text.

General Advertising


Denoted by the number or pound sign (#), hashtags are keywords users add to their social posts, for categorization and visibility.

Media Platforms & Technology

Header Bidding

Programmatic ad buying that allows publishers to offer their inventory to several ad exchanges before initiating the ad server process. Header bidding bypasses the complexity of the ad server auction to find the best prices for their ad inventory. In header bidding, publishers load code on their webpage before content is loaded and before the […]

Digital Media & Advertising


The title that appears at the top of your landing page once someone clicks on your ad. Your heading tells users what to expect on the landing page.

Media Buying


To increase the frequency in an advertising campaign for a limited period of time.

Media Buying


A planned period of inactivity between advertising schedules.

General Advertising

Holding Company

A holding company is a firm that doesn’t actively engage in its own business but instead owns other companies’ assets, such as controlling amounts of stock. In the agency world, the term refers to a large international or multinational company that owns many advertising, public relations, media and other types of networks. The so-called “Big […]

Media Buying

Homepage Takeover

Digital advertisement involving every unit on the homepage of a website, giving the client a 100% share of voice on the page.

Media Buying


When a digital ad is shown on a user’s screen.

Digital Media & Advertising


The total number of times an ad is shown to users. Impressions are counted regardless of whether people click on it.

Media Buying

In-Banner Video

Video advertisement that loads and plays inside a space sized for and traditionally reserved for a standard banner unit.