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Email Marketing Glossary

Email Marketing

Email Campaign

An email or series of lead nurturing emails designed to accomplish an overall marketing goal.

Email Marketing

Email Filter

A technique used to block email based on the sender, subject line, or content of an email.

Email Marketing

Email Sponsorships

Buying ad space in an email newsletter or sponsoring a specific article or series of articles. Advertisers pay to have their ad inserted into the body of the email.

Social Media Management

Employee Leadership (Advocacy) Program

See also: Champion, Community Leadership Program “Employee advocacy is empowering your employees to support the goals of the brand”. – Liz Bullock . Like Community Leadership roles, employee advocates work as ambassadors of an organizational goal/project.


Endorsed Brand

Often used synonymously with sub-brand, an endorsed brand is generally a product or service brand name that is supported by a masterbrand—either dominantly (e.g. Apple Watch) or lightly (e.g. Nestle Kit-Kat).

Social Media Management


The process by which members interact with the community. Behaviors that constitute engagement include: Asking/answering questions, sharing resources, attending calls/events, welcoming new members, and Working Out Loud, among many other public community actions.

Social Media Marketing

Engagement Rate

A popular social media metric used to describe the number of likes, shares, and comments, a piece of content receives. Work this engagement rate formula: Number of people who engaged with your post divided by the number of people who saw your post multiplied by 100.

Social Media Marketing


Social media posts that delete themselves automatically after the set amount of time has passed is called ephemeral content. Motivate your users to engage via FOMO, for spontaneous, timely action.


EPI (Ethical Positioning Index)

A comprehensive scale that measures how ethical a company’s brand positioning is. The index is compromised of the fundamentals in brand positioning (identity, image, personality, awareness and communication) and ethical variables such as beliefs, values and customs.

Social Media Management


Enterprise Social Network. An online social network for an internal business community. An ESN platform can provide your organization with a place to collaborate, ask questions, track projects and share ideas.

Social Media Marketing


Ideal for reposting and repurposing, evergreen content does not carry timeline-based relevance. Identify and repurpose relevant content to increase engagement.

Social Media Management

Executive Coaching

The practice of supporting an executive’s involvement in and understanding of a community. Executive Engagement skills include the ability to understand executive context and needs, speak the language of executives and identify how to assist executives in a way they can absorb.

Social Media Management

External Community

Community existing outside of an organization, typically a community of practice, a support community, a customer community or a community of interest.

Social Media Management

Extrinsic Motivators

Extrinsic motivators encourage a person to do something for the purpose of obtaining an external reward or outcome. (Ex: Amazon gift card).

Email Marketing

False positive

A false positive occurs when a legitimate permission-based email is incorrectly filtered or blocked as spam.

Social Media Marketing


Social media slang, meaning close friends. A short form for family.

Social Media Marketing


A generic term for the homepage content stream is known as a feed. Seeing other people’s posts on your feed provides the trigger to engage with them.

Social Media Marketing

Filler Content

Daily publishing of quotes, product information, and generic posts to keep the social media page active and alive are called filler content. Never let your social media platforms get redundant. Keep posting something every day.

Social Media Marketing


A person who subscribes to your account to receive your updates is called a follower. Increased followers mean increased content reach.

Social Media Marketing


The acronym for Fear of Missing Out, FOMO, motivates users to forage for events or opportunities every single minute. Make posts on exclusive or limited-time offers that users need to act on quickly to avoid missing out.

Digital Media & Advertising


For Position Only – this is not the final content, but its dimensions are accurate