
Author: WAV

Media Buying

Till Forbidden (TF)

A newspaper insertion order abbreviation; run the advertisement until told to stop.

Film & Broadcast

Time Base Signal

A signal recorded on the edge of film in a camera to match a signal recorded on a magnetic recording which is used as a fast means of synchronizing film and sound workprints.

Film & Broadcast

Time Code

Also known as Longitudinal Time Code. A high frequency signal that allows the accurate “locking” of film audio and video equipment.


Time lag

Google Analytics measures time lag to summarize how long, in days, it takes your website visitors to become customers.

Agile Methodology


A timebox is a previously agreed period of time during which a person or a team works steadily towards completion of some goal.

Film & Broadcast


The process of selecting the printing values for color and density of successive scenes in a complete film in order to produce a desired visual effect. (Laboratory)

Digital Media & Advertising

Title tags

The sizeable blue anchor text that appears on search engine results pages that provide details of what to expect on the page. Title tags impact whether people click on your ads.


TLD- Top Level Domain

the last segment of a domain name, or the part that follows immediately after the “dot” symbol.


To reiterate

This is the last time I’m saying this



unlike a coin, a token is a digital asset created on an existing blockchain. Tokens can be used to represent digital and physical assets, or used to interact with dapps.


Top line

don’t bore me with the details – see 30,000 Foot View


Touch base

In the old game of tag your it, the person is technically safe when they are on base so let’s be safe and check in, because I might not fully trust you



Any instance of interaction that a brand has with its audience. Touchpoints allow a brand to build a relationship with the consumer—each point should leave a lasting impression. Examples: A website, customer service interaction, business card, product packaging, social media post or an online review.


TPS- Transactions per second

the number of transactions that a blockchain can handle per second, used as a benchmark to measure its computational power.


Trackback and Ping

Trackbacks are notifications for website authors that let them know when somebody links to their content. A Ping is a network signal that sends a trackback. Trackbacks can help facilitate communication between blogs. Trackbacks are sometimes used to insert spam links, so if you use the trackback feature you should consider using special trackback spam […]

Media Buying

Trade Paper

A specialized publication for a specific audience like a profession, trade, or industry.



A word, phrase, symbol, and/or design or any combination of those that uniquely identifies one brand. It allows a company to be the sole user of the trademark and ensures that the brand remains distinct from competitors. Unregistered trademarks are typically accompanied by the unregulated ™ symbol, while trademarks registered with the United States Patent […]

Social Media Marketing


The number of users who visit a particular website or a landing page constitutes its traffic. Use social media marketing effectively on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube to boost web traffic and leads.

Project Management


The term used for the action of moving work between disciplines to extend work (copy to art or art to production) or moving work from draft to formal reviews for feedback collection – see Route

Out of Home (OOH)

Traffic Count

The recording of the vehicles and pedestrians passing a given point; used by TAB to authenticate the circulation that passes outdoor advertising structures.

Media Buying

Traffic Report

The data provided to the client at the end of a campaign demonstrating the performance and results of a digital campaign.