
Author: WAV

TV and Radio Media Buying

Pre-emption and Pre-emptible

This is a displacement practice replacing a scheduled broadcast or radio spot in favor of another spot, usually due to a higher price.

Media Platforms & Technology


10-15 second online ad that appears before video.

Media Buying

Pre-Roll Video

Video advertisements that play before video content on websites or mobile apps.

Film & Broadcast


An electronic device that boosts extremely weak signal voltages, such as those from microphones or mag heads, to a level that is usable by power amplifiers. (Electronics)

Digital Media & Advertising

Premium ad inventory:

Ads in which the data suggests they work well and are thus deemed high quality. Premium ad inventory will be a higher price than other inventory.

Media Buying

Premium Network

The programmatic ad-buying space where ads are served based on audience targets rather than on a specific website.

Media Buying

Premium Price

A special advertising rate, usually higher, for special positions or other considerations.

Media Buying


Advertising inserts that are printed in advance of the regular press run and then combined with the final publication just prior to distribution.

General Advertising

Preroll Ad

A preroll ad is a promotional message that plays before selected video content. Some can be skipped after a certain amount of time.

Film & Broadcast


Recording of music or other sound prior to the shooting of the picture which is to accompany it. The most common usage is in animated film. (Sound)


Present Value (PV)

Present Value is a term that refers to the value of an Asset today, as opposed to a different point in time. It is based on the theory that cash today is more valuable than cash tomorrow, due to the concept of inflation.

Film & Broadcast

Principal Photography

The main photography of a film and the time period during which it takes place. (Production)

Out of Home (OOH)

Printed OOH Media

Any OOH display that uses a printed substrate to display advertising content.

Film & Broadcast

Printing Sync

The relation between the picture and sound components in which they are printed to give the necessary displacement for projection as a composite print. (Laboratory)

Project Management


Prioritization involves deciding what projects or tasks have a higher urgency than others. Its frequency of use depends on the size and scale of projects — but we all prioritize every morning when we decide what we’re going to work on.

Film & Broadcast

Prism Shutter

A device used on many film viewers, editing machines, and some high-speed cameras, consisting of a rotating prism of four or more sides through which the viewer light passes as film is pulled continuously through it. (Film Editing)

General Advertising


Privacy is freedom from being observed by others. Often paired with “data” in digital use, privacy is protecting user data from being sold or used by other entities to customize ads or access to services.

Email Marketing

Privacy Policy

A clear description of a website or company’s policy on the use of information collected from and about website visitors and what they do, and do not do, with the data.


Private Key

an alphanumeric passcode required to withdraw assets from a blockchain wallet and authorize digital transactions. Because these private keys are long and difficult to memorize, wallets will generally associate them with a seed or recovery phrase that is easier to remember.


Private Label

Private label products are sold under a brand name but manufactured by an outside company. Brands using a third-party to manufacturer private label products have control of the brand packaging, prices and marketing, without owning the production facilities. Example: Kroger’s Private Selection and Simple Truth brands.

Media Platforms & Technology

Private Marketplace (PMP)

Deals that are negotiated as invitation-only auctions, providing certain buyers in the ad exchange preference. A publishers’ direct sales team can negotiate a deal with certain clients ahead of time, including a max bid, max CPM, ad unit types, certain site sections, etc. If a publisher has an impression that matches the negotiated deal’s criteria, […]