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eCommerce Glossary


Customer lifetime value (CLV)

Customer lifetime value is the predicted revenue that a customer can generate for your business during all their interactions with your online store. More on increasing CLV here.

WordPress CMS


The WordPress Customizer or Live Customizer is a visual editor where you can style or set options for your WordPress site typically according to your theme. This can include uploading a custom logo, choosing a main website accent color, creating menus, adding widgets, customizing post type settings and more. This section can be found from […]

Agile Methodology

Daily Meeting

The daily meeting is one of the most commonly practiced Agile techniques and presents opportunity for a team to get together on a regular basis to coordinate their activities.


DAO- Decentralized Autonomous Organization

an organization based on open-source code and governed by its users. DAOs typically focus on a specific project or mission and trade the traditional hierarchical systems of legacy corporations for guidelines written on the blockchain.


Dapp- Decentralized Application

an application built on open-source code that lives on the blockchain. Dapps exist independent of centralized groups or figures and often incentivize users to maintain them through rewarded tokens.

WordPress CMS


The WordPress Dashboard is another way to refer to your WordPress site’s back end. And the Dashboard Menu is the vertical list of links on the left-hand side of your Dashboard.



in the context of the internet, data refers to a user’s personal information, such as name, age, location, interests, browsing history, device usage, purchasing habits, etc. Web3 aims to protect this personal data and give ownership of it back to the user.

WordPress CMS


A Database is an organized collection of data, and in terms of WordPress it refers to the whole your website data. This is all your posts, comments, themes, plugins, design – everything.


DD- Due Diligence

the process of conducting your own research on a cryptocurrency, stock, or other asset before investing. Doing your own DD is essential, as opposed to making an investment based on what someone else says or does.



a system that operates without the control of a central figure or authority, and replaces it with a distributed peer-to-peer network.


DeFi- Decentralized Finance

the ecosystem of borderless, trustless, peer-to-peer financial tools being built on public blockchains without the use of banks. DeFi apps are built to be open and interconnected, allowing them to be used in conjunction with one another.

Agile Methodology

Definition of Done

The definition of done is an agreed upon list of the activities deemed necessary to get a product increment, usually represented by a user story, to a done state by the end of a sprint.

Agile Methodology

Definition of Ready

Definition of Ready involves creating clear criteria that a user story must meet before being accepted into an upcoming iteration. This is typically based on the INVEST matrix.

Development Operations (DevOps)


A term that refers to the grouping of every activity that makes a program available for use and moving that program to the target environment.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Deployment Pipeline

A deployment pipeline is an automated manifestation of your process for getting software from version control into the hands of your users. (source: informIT.com)

Development Operations (DevOps)


An IT organizational methodology where all teams in the organization, especially development teams and operations teams, collaborate on both development and deployment of software to increase software production agility and achieve business goals.


DEX- Decentralized Exchange

a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange built on the blockchain. A DEX is run by its users and smart contracts instead of an intermediary figure or centralized institution.



the level of computing power needed to verify transactions and mine blocks on a proof-of-work blockchain.


Difficulty Bomb

the process of increasing the difficulty of a proof-of-work blockchain in order to motivate the transition to another consensus algorithm (such as proof-of-stake in the case of Ethereum).


Discount code (or coupon, or promo code)

A code, usually a short series of numbers and/or letters, that online shoppers enter at checkout for special offers or discounts. Learn everything you need to know about discounts in this guide.


Discount rate

Discount rate is the fee that an online merchant pays to its third-party payment processor for processing credit card payments—typically a small percentage of each payment processed.