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Media Buying Glossary

Media Buying


The final date and time for accepting final buy to meet a publication schedule.

Media Platforms & Technology

Demand-Side Platform (DSP)

A technology platform that provides inventory buying opportunities from multiple sources. Utilizes real-time bidding capabilities of these sources to access and win inventory auctions.

General Advertising

Demand-Side Platform (DSP)

A demand-side platform, or DSP, is software often used by advertisers to automate purchasing advertising by scanning ad exchanges for their targeted audiences.

Media Buying

Desktop Delivery

Digital ads that are served on a traditional desktop computer or laptop device.

Media Platforms & Technology


Known information on a user, determined from the source. The most common deterministic data is login information, or more specifically, email addresses. This term can be applied to data, targeting, and measurement. Its opposite in ad tech is probabilistic.

Digital Media & Advertising

Digital advertising

Digital advertising is an advertising strategy designed to promote businesses, products, and services through online channels. Digital advertising gives advertisers the ability to drive revenue by focusing on moving users through the buying funnel and making data-driven decisions.

General Advertising

Digital Agency

A digital agency focuses more on strategy and technical development than the creative aspects of marketing. A full-service digital agency will also likely provide web design, ecommerce, etc.

General Advertising

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the application of digital technology into all areas of a business, increasing efficiency and value to customers. Processes become automated, goals are data based and customers are directly involved via social media.

Digital Media & Advertising

Digression Session – Digital Marketing Trends

Frank Cannata, Chief Delivery Officer at WAV goes down the rabbit hole with Google Trends and takes a look at what the top performing topics are currently in digital marketing.

Media Platforms & Technology

Direct Data

Data that is gathered firsthand rather than through a third party. Direct data is usually more current, a better indication of behavioral insights and good for creating more granular or niche audiences. Evaluation of direct data providers focuses on sound and lawful methodology for data collection and the ability to scale data up accurately. For […]

Media Buying

Direct Mail Advertising

Any printed material sent via mail directly to target customers.

General Advertising

Direct Marketing

Direct marketing is advertising from businesses straight to customers, e.g., text messages and physical mailings.

Media Platforms & Technology

Direct Response Advertising

Its primary aim is to evoke an immediate response and compel prospects to take a specific action such as click, site visit, download, or purchase. This can employ different tactics including prospecting and retargeting. Also known as performance targeting. Shorthand abbreviations include DR.

General Advertising


Direct-to-consumer outreach and sales are done from company to consumer without distributor or retailer involvement.

General Advertising

Display Advertising

Display advertising is advertising online via images often coupled by text in obvious spaces reserved for ads, such as banner ads.

Digital Media & Advertising

Display advertising

Ads containing text, image or video that advertisers place on websites, apps and social media. Display ads take users to the advertiser’s web page once someone clicks on the ad.

Media Buying

Display Advertising

Print advertisement that is placed outside of classified advertising. Display ads can range from small to the full size of the print page. Ads generally contain typeset copy, graphics, and design to attract customer interest. The size of the ad is based on the number of columns wide by the number of inches tall.

General Advertising


Held yearly in Cologne, Germany, Dmexco is a conference and expo for those in digital business and marketing. Attendees can network, receive training and test products and services.

Digital Media & Advertising

Domain authority:

A metric used to track the quality of a website. Domain authority also describes how much influence a domain has.

Digital Media & Advertising


The name of a website that appears in the search bar when you click on a website. Some examples include Target.com or Walmart.com.

Media Buying


An advertisement designed to promote a heavy volume of response/foot traffic for a special event or short-term sale.