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Media Buying Glossary

Media Buying

Click Through Rate (CTR)

The percentage of ads that were clicked on by a user (total number of clicks divided by the total number of impressions served).

Digital Media & Advertising

Click-through rate

Click-through rate (CTR) is the number of times a user clicks on an ad or search result divided by the total number of people that viewed the ad or search result.

Media Platforms & Technology

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Click-through rate of an advertisement. A core metric of the click model, this is the ratio of times an ad is clicked on, compared to the number of times an ad is shown. Calculated as clicks / impressions.

Media Platforms & Technology


Content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular website with a defining characteristic of being deceptive, typically misleading.

General Advertising

Client Services

Client services roles include project management, account management and client strategy. These roles ensure that projects stay within budget, are profitable to the advertising agency, meet clients’ needs and are appropriate for clients’ businesses.

General Advertising

Clio Awards

Clio Awards are held yearly to honor innovation and achievement in advertising. Awards are given in fashion and beauty, sports, music, entertainment and health.

Media Buying

Closing Date

The final deadline by which advertising space must be reserved to secure the dates/ times/positions requested.

General Advertising


A CMO is an organization’s chief marketing officer. The CMO is responsible for maintaining a company’s vision and developing brand strategy around it.

Media Buying


An acronym for cyan, magenta, yellow and black – the four ink colors used in full-color printing.

Media Buying

Column Inch

Publication space that is one column wide by one-inch high, used as a measure of advertising space. Column inches are used to determine the cost of ads.

Media Buying

Combination Rate

A discounted advertising rate offered to advertisers for buying advertising space in two or more publications owned by the same company.

Digital Media & Advertising

Competitor geofencing advertising:

Geofencing allows you to target people within a virtual fence to receive advertisements. Competitor geofencing places that virtual fence around your competitor’s locations so that people will receive ads for your business when they are within a competitor geofencing zone.

Media Buying

Connected TV

Video content that is delivered to a user via the internet rather than a traditional cable subscription.

Media Platforms & Technology

Connected TV (CTV)

A device used to stream digital video. CTVs can include smart TV platforms, streaming services, or video game consoles such as Xbox, PlayStation, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and Apple TV. In digital advertising, this has provided a new channel, which allows for advertisers to insert their video ads in streamed digital video. With broadcast television […]

Media Platforms & Technology


Reaching consumers who have heard of your brand or product but need to understand details about the product or service to be sold on your brand specifically. These consumers are often researching a product category and are evaluating your brand against the competitive set. To be brought into their consideration set and selected, brands must […]

Media Platforms & Technology

Consideration Campaign

Ad campaign designed to educate customers on the benefits and features of a brand, product, or service with the intention of being included as an option when a purchase is needed.

General Advertising


Contrasted with an agency, a consultancy is typically used for its expertise for a specific advertising aspect or problem. In recent years, the agency-consultancy lines have begun to blur as professional services and IT consulting firms like Accenture, Deloitte, IBM, KPMG, McKinsey and PricewaterhouseCoopers acquire traditional shops to build out their own marketing operations.

General Advertising

Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)

Consumer packaged goods (CPG) are items used quickly and frequently, such as food and cleaning products. Contrast CPG with durable goods (DG), which are items used for long periods of time and typically not replaced until they fail, such as appliances and furniture.

General Advertising

Content Studio

Content studios produce promotional and informational material tied to a brand’s vision and story. Content might include videos, short films and virtual reality, among other media.

Media Platforms & Technology

Contextual Clues

A way to identify a person through the information on the websites they visit.

Media Platforms & Technology

Control Group

Within display incrementality testing, the audience receiving the PSA ad.