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Uncategorized WordPress CMS Glossary


SEO Friendly URL Slugs

A slug is the part of the URL that contains the name of the post. It’s often just a few words long, intended to describe what the post is about. WordPress automatically uses the post’s title as the slug, but you can edit the slug if necessary.

General Advertising

Set-Top Box

A set-top box, abbreviated STB and often called a cable box, is hardware that enables digital signals to be displayed as programming on a TV. STBs can be used for various signal sources, including cable, satellite and internet.

Media Buying

Share of Voice

The percentage of advertising a client owns during a specific set of time relative to all available inventory.

General Advertising

Shopper Marketing

Shopper marketing is a strategy aimed at understanding purchasers’ experiences, habits and perceptions as they make their purchases.

Media Buying

Shopping Newspaper

A newspaper-like publication that is predominately advertising and often distributed free to shoppers or to households (slang “shopper”).

Media Buying

Short Rate

Money that is owed to a media by an advertiser to compensate for the shortfall difference in revenue between what was purchased and what was contracted.



Shortcodes are essentially macros, or sets of programming instructions designed to do things automatically, leading to reduced time and effort on your part (and no need for coding, either). In other words, shortcodes are shortcuts. In WordPress blogs, some themes contain shortcodes that you can use to format your content – for example, to add […]



Sidebars show supporting content on a post or page.



Sliders are small image galleries designed so that each image is displayed for several seconds before moving on (or sliding) to the next image. Many include links to blog posts or other content. WordPress has dozens of slider plugins available, some of which are often included in premium themes. We’ve talked about the best slider […]

Media Buying

Sliding Billboard

High-Impact digital advertisements that display as a narrow bar at the top of a website and expand down when a user rolls over the ad.

General Advertising

Small and Midsize Business (SMB)

Small and midsize businesses (SMBs), also called small and midsize enterprises (SME), vary in size, revenue, IT and marketing needs, among other factors, but generally have fewer than 1,000 employees, take in less than $1 billion in revenue and make IT and marketing decisions based on price and ease of use.

Media Platforms & Technology

Social Ads

Display ads served on social media platforms. Since there are fewer social media players out there, they can have unique ad sizes that integrate well into their pages. While these budgets were traditionally separate, and display and social were therefore considered completely distinct, since they are essentially banner ads with similar performance metrics tied to […]

Digital Media & Advertising

Social advertising

Running paid ads on social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook. Social media advertising enables you to put ads in users’ feeds and help them discover your company.

Media Buying

Social Display

Paid advertisements on a social platform such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.

General Advertising

Social Engagement

Social engagement is a brand’s way of communicating and building a bond with its consumers or online audience, often via social media, through availability and interaction. The term “engagement” may also refer to the number of interactions—likes, comments, shares, retweets—people have with a brand’s content.

General Advertising

Social Media

Social media is a broad term for communication and communities on websites and apps used for social networking and microblogging. Users create profiles, join groups and share messages and visuals. Both individuals and businesses have presences on these social networks.

General Advertising

Social Network

A social network is a website or mobile app that lets users connect with other users and share personal or professional messages. Examples include Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

General Advertising

South by Southwest

South by Southwest, often abbreviated SXSW, is a multi-day conference and festival in Austin, Texas, focusing on film, interactive media and music industries.

Media Buying


A separately printed, unbound broadsheet that is folded around a newspaper, or around one of its sections, appearing as a partial page or flap over the front and back.



Spam on WordPress sites is typically in the form of junk comments or contact form submissions. These are often loaded with links and unsolicited ads, and can come in by the hundreds thanks to bots. But thankfully this is easily prevented with an anti-spam plugin.

General Advertising

Specialized Agency

A specialized agency, as opposed to a full-service agency, provides limited but specific advertising services.