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Digital Media & Advertising Glossary

Digital Media & Advertising


Any website that puts out content. They often get paid for the traffic they bring in by selling ads on their site.

Media Platforms & Technology

Publisher Direct

Refers to advertisers or agencies working directly with a publisher to buy advertising space on their website or publication. Through a more manual sales process, they agree to a price, placement, audience reached, and time frame. This traditional approach to media buying benefits larger websites that can afford a dedicated sales team, often being able […]

Media Buying

Publisher’s Statement

A notarized statement from the publisher of total circulation, geographic distribution, method of getting subscriptions, etc. Statements are filed as needed by AAM.

Media Platforms & Technology

Queries Per Second

Unit of measure for amount of search traffic per second.

Media Buying


The division of an audience into five equal groups ranging from heaviest to lightest amount of exposure to any medium. Each quintile contains 20% of the total sample.

Media Buying


A charge for advertising media space or time.

Media Buying

Rate Card

A document that communicates the advertising costs, issue dates, program names, closing dates, requirements, cancellation dates for a given publication.

General Advertising


Ratings measure a program’s audience. They indicate households or other specified groups, out of the whole audience, that watch or listen to a show. Advertisers use ratings to inform media buying.

Digital Media & Advertising


Percentage of the advertiser’s intended audience exposed to at least one of the advertiser’s display ads.

Media Platforms & Technology


A critical measurement for upper funnel campaigns, this is the percentage of ads that reached your intended audience. Reach is calculated as total impressions divided by ad frequency. This is often measured as “in-target delivery” and validated through a third-party audience validation vendor. By reaching the desired audience with the optimal frequency, marketers can achieve […]

Media Buying


The total number of individuals or households reached by an advertising campaign at least once during the media buy. An alternate term for CUME Audience.

Media Buying

Readers Per Copy

The number of readers per copy of a newspaper or magazine.

Media Buying


The number of persons who read a publication or advertisement.

Media Platforms & Technology


Data signals that are delivered immediately after they are received, without delay.

Media Platforms & Technology

Real-Time Bidding (RTB)

Bidding or buying inventory in real time. Advertising buyers bid on an impression and, if the bid is won, the buyer’s ad is (nearly) instantly displayed on the publisher’s site, without the user being aware of the auction.

General Advertising

Real-Time Response

Real-time response is the actual time during which a relevant answer is generated, generally the quicker the better.

General Advertising


Rebranding is changing one or many aspects of an existing corporate image. This can include a name change, new logo, updated slogan, etc. Rebranding is often done in response to a change in company practices, customer needs or even mistakes in the original branding.

General Advertising

Regional Agency

Regional agencies tend to serve nearby clients, offering local knowledge and understanding of life and culture. Nearby clients are not necessarily small businesses; some regional agencies represent nationwide companies that are headquartered in their areas.

Media Buying

Regional Edition

A national publication’s geographic-specific section that provides circulation in a certain geographic area.

Media Platforms & Technology


Serving ads to consumers who have previously engaged via site visits or email sign-ups, where the prior engagement did not result in a sale or conversion. Shorthand abbreviations include RT and RET.

General Advertising


Retargeting, also called personalization, is aimed at directing an internet user back to a website they left, via tracking browsing behavior to deliver customized advertising. Cookies, for example, collect user information on websites. This information can be used to reach out to potential customers and to deliver ads to users after they leave a company’s […]