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Media Buying Glossary

Media Buying

Line Rate

The cost per agate line for newspapers. This is often seen in classified placements.

General Advertising

Linear Television

Linear television is programming that is watched live, as it is scheduled, rather than on demand.

Media Buying

Local Display

A newspaper or broadcast station’s owned and operated website.

General Advertising

Location-Based Marketing

Location-based marketing, also called geomarketing, uses a device’s location to serve relevant ads. Users often need to opt in: For example, users enable location identification in a business’s app.

General Advertising

Long-Form Video

Long-form video is video content that runs more than 10 minutes. Long-form video allows creators to put more emphasis on storytelling than short-form video.

Media Platforms & Technology

Look-Alike Modeling

A process that uses machine learning to identify audiences who look and act very similarly to a known audience. Look-alike models are often used to create scale and find more people who will take a desired action.

Media Platforms & Technology

Lookback Window

The time between a conversion event and a prior engagement event, such as an ad click or view.

General Advertising

Machine Learning

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence, providing systems to computers to interpret data and improve performance on tasks without specifically being programmed to do so.

Media Platforms & Technology

Machine Learning (ML)

The scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to progressively improve their performance on a specific task.

Media Buying

Magazine Supplement

A separately printed magazine section inserted into a newspaper. Supplements can be produced both locally and nationally.

Media Buying


No charge rerun placement given to an advertiser when the original spot or ad did not run or ran incorrectly.

General Advertising


Makegood is rerunning an ad or providing additional ad inventory when the original slot underperformed versus provided ratings. A related term is audience deficiency unit: ad inventory provided to the advertiser to fulfill the original rate guarantee.

General Advertising

Mar Tech

Mar tech, short for marketing technology, examines and utilizes digital tools meant to automate tasks and provide data for marketing decisions, such as finding and interacting with customers and measuring campaign effectiveness.

Media Platforms & Technology

Marketing Funnel

The marketing funnel is a visualization for moving your customers through the consumer journey from lead to sales. The most common funnel includes awareness, consideration, and conversion, although more complicated versions may also include interest, preference, intent, evaluation, trial, and advocacy. Digital media is often planned in silos, with budgets allocated to upper funnel brand […]

Media Platforms & Technology

Matching Pattern

A combination of tag event labels from the advertiser’s data set that are strung together with an “and” or “or” logical operator. Assigned to event groups for delivery, modeling, and reporting purposes.

Media Platforms & Technology

Media Agencies

Companies that specialize in advertising, acting as a resource to brands to help plan, buy, and measure advertising campaigns across marketing channels. They are uniquely positioned to help provide broader, cross-industry expertise, advising marketers on how to best represent their brand and most efficiently allocate marketing dollars to reach consumers. Within an agency, there might […]

General Advertising

Media Agency

A media agency provides strategy for campaigns, planning when and where they should appear, to include consumer insight and buying ad space specific to a client’s needs.

Media Platforms & Technology

Media Buying

Media buying is the process of purchasing ad space and time on digital and offline platforms, such as websites, YouTube, radio, and TV. A media buyer is also responsible for negotiating with publishers for ad inventory, managing budgets, and optimizing ads to improve campaign performance.

Media Buying

Media Buying

The purchase of media space for the placement of advertisements. This is often done by an agency or placement firm on behalf of the advertiser.

General Advertising

Media Buying and Selling

Media buying is purchasing ad inventory for optimal placement, timing and price. Media selling is the sale of ad inventory in print, on the web, on air and on physical signage.

General Advertising

Media Rating Council (MRC)

The Media Rating Council, or MRC, is an organization focused on audience measurement that establishes standards for rating operations, accredits ratings services and audits rating services. Members have expanded from broadcast to also include print, internet and advertising.