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Branding Glossary



Communication that is strategically written to target an audience segment and encourage them to purchase and engage with the brand. A properly developed messaging system defines how the brand “speaks” with the customer while also capturing the nuance with which it does it.

Social Media Marketing


Analytics that measure the performance of your posts, ads, or overall social account is called metrics. Decide upon the best content and strategies using metrics such as impressions, reach, followers, engagement rate, and click rates.


Mission Statement

A formal declaration of the goals, values and purpose of a company. The mission statement defines why the company exists, what it aims to achieve and guides all decision making. It serves as a company’s North Star, and is essentially the “who” and “why” of the brand story.

Social Media Marketing


Social media users who regularly interact and share information with a diverse group of connections are called Mix-n-Minglers.

Social Media Management


A person who moderates an Internet forum or online community discussion. Sometimes the Community Manager herself fulfills this role. Often times Community Managers/Community networks function with the assistance of volunteer moderators. These moderators could be considered champions/advocates. Examples of this work: Reddit is supported by teams of unpaid moderators who have a stake in the […]



A typographic logo that visualizes a company’s initialism and can be used in lieu of a formal logo to represent the company. It is commonly used by fashion brands such as Chanel or Louis Vuitton.


Name, Descriptive

A company that descriptively conveys the characteristics of its services without being specific to its brand story. Descriptive names do not allow for easy recall in a consumer’s mind because they can be applied to any company offering similar services. Examples: Pacific Gas & Electric and Booking.com.


Name, Evocative

A brand name that suggests an association with an underlying benefit or conveys the positioning of the brand. Evocative names conjure emotions, imagery, metaphors and experiences in the mind of the consumer. Examples: Starbucks, Patagonia and Nike.


Name, Experiential

A brand name that describes the experience a customer will have with the brand. Examples: Pivot, Agility and Safari.


Name, Generic

A brand name that describes an entire category of products or services and provides little differentiation. Examples: Waster Management, Hotels.com and News Corp.


Name, Invented

An original brand name that is invented and has no linguistic definition or meaning. Examples: Twitter, Accenture, Google.

Social Media Management

Narrative Development

Developing and bringing together written, graphic and/or multimedia elements into strong, simple storylines that help people understand and put information in context.

Social Media Marketing

Native Advertising

Displaying paid content to users in a way that looks organic is called native advertising. Use more native ads than display ads, as they garner higher impressions and conversion rates.

Social Media Management

New Member Welcoming

Building connections and creating content and programming to help members feel comfortable, connected and engaged in their first interactions within the community.

Social Media Marketing


Passive social media users who log in only to connect with friends and enhance online relationships are Newcomers.

Social Media Marketing


A newsfeed has different connotations in different social networks. In Facebook, newsfeed refers to the latest updates from friends, while on Twitter, newsfeed refers to Timeline.

Social Media Marketing


The technique of including current events and breaking news feeds into your social network content is called newsjacking. Leverage newsjacking with relevant hashtags for higher engagement and mentions.

Social Media Marketing

No Shows

People who have social accounts but do not frequently engage on social media.

Social Media Management


The process of bringing a new member up to speed in the community space. Community members, new community management employees and high-level executives all require on-boarding to help them maximize community value and functionality. Often happens in conjunction with New Member Welcoming, but is not the same.



The perception that a brand asset is consistent with how an audience expects a company to look, act or feel. A company that is consistently on-brand builds lasting, loyal relationships with its customers.

Social Media Marketing


Active social media users who log in regularly to observe social activity but share almost no personal information.