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Social Media Management Glossary

Social Media Management

Internal Community

A community that exists within an organization, generally comprised of employees, alumni, stakeholders, etc.

Social Media Management

Intrinsic Motivators

Motivation that comes from inside an individual rather than from any outside rewards. These motivations come from the pleasure one gets from the task itself or from the sense of satisfaction in completing/working on a task. (Ex: Sense of pride/ownership).

Email Marketing

IP Warmup

Sending a progressively increasing number of emails out of an IP address in order to build the IP’s reputation.

Social Media Marketing

Key performance indicator (KPI)

The most vital metric to track and check if you are meeting your social strategy objective, KPIs are critical to measuring campaign performance. Define your KPIs efficiently for better analytics and reporting.

Email Marketing

Levels of Authentication

A way of establishing a sender’s identity, and ensure the sender is allowed to send from a given domain.

Social Media Marketing


Users show approval and resonate with the content by hitting the like button. Liking the post is a quick way of engaging instead of taking the time to write a comment or share the post.

Social Media Marketing

Link Building

An important search engine optimization (SEO) rank improving technique where the content marketers get links to their site from other websites. Blog frequently and post content in authority sites to build links.

Email Marketing

List Segmentation

Selecting a target audience or group of individuals for whom your email message is relevant. A segmented list means a more targeted and relevant email campaign, thus a higher response rate and less unsubscribes and spam reports.

Social Media Marketing


A list-based article that is popular on social media because of its quick, easy-to-digest format. Work on listicles for easier content consumption and higher conversions.

Social Media Marketing

Live Streaming

Delivering real-time content via social media is called live streaming. Go live on social media platforms to interact directly with your audience.



A brand’s most important and recognizable visual signifier. Composed of text (brand signature) and image (brand symbol), the logo serves as a company’s flag. The terms logo and trademark are used synonymously. Example: Nike’s swoosh.

Social Media Marketing


Users who read discussion threads on message boards, social networks, or any other interactive media platform, but rarely or never participate in the discussion.

Social Media Management


An engagement profile. A member who only views content.


Market Leader

A company that has achieved a dominant position—either in scale or influence—within its field. This leading position often comes about because the company was the first to market a certain type of product and, with the protection of a patent, has managed to consolidate its position before direct competition was possible. Alternatively, a company may […]


Market Share

A company’s share of total sales of a given category of product on a given market. Can be expressed either in terms of volume (how many units sold) or value (the worth of units sold).

Social Media Marketing


Mixing multiple media files drawn from different sources to create new work is called a mashup. They are great for garnering user attention and engagement.



A brand that dominates all products or services in a range or across a business. Sometimes used with sub-brands, sometimes used with alpha or numeric signifiers. Mercedes-Benz and BMW are both employed as masterbrands.

Social Media Management

Member Advocacy

Representing the needs expressed by the community or individual members to other stakeholders to ensure those needs are heard and addressed.

Social Media Marketing


A captioned image, video, or rich media content that resonates with the thoughts and feelings of a specific audience is called a meme. Elicit humorous engagement from users by posting viral memes.

Social Media Marketing


Capitalizing on current trending memes is called memejacking. Increase brand relevance and draw traffic using ethical memejacking techniques.

Social Media Marketing


Online references to a brand, product, or company is called mentions in social media. Track brand mentions to measure SEO ranking and brand equity.