
Author: WAV

Agile Methodology

User Stories

In consultation with the customer or product owner, the team divides up the work to be done into functional increments called “user stories.”

Agile Methodology

User Story Template

The user story template is one of the most commonly recommended aids to write user stories: As a … I want … So that …

General Advertising

User-Generated Content

User-generated content is media created by an online system’s users, often shared on social networks.


USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

A distinctive and intentional strategy in marketing a brand that provides differentiation in the marketplace, typically by focusing on product features. It influences how a product or service is put in front of a target audience.

Out of Home (OOH)

UV Coating

Ultra-violet cured coatings are applied over inks printed onto advertising substrates and dried by exposure to UV radiation. UV coatings are used to prevent color fading on advertisements from sun exposure or other ambient lighting sources.

Social Media Management


User Experience. The process of designing web pages, software applications or processes that make tasks and behaviors easy, enjoyable and intuitive for the user.


Value Proposition/Statement

A set declaration of standards, principles or ideals promoted by a brand that targets both customers and stakeholders. A brand’s value proposition typically highlights brand integrity, dedication or importance and can be key in brand positioning.

Website Development

Vanilla JS

Nothing fancy, no plugins – just basic javascript.



a product or project that is announced and marketed but never actually materializes.


Variable Cost (VC)

These are costs that change with the volume of sales and are the opposite of Fixed Costs. Variable costs increase with more sales because they are an expense that is incurred in order to deliver the sale. For example, if a company produces a product and sells more of that product, they will require more […]

Film & Broadcast


A simmer that reduces the voltage. It stands for VARIable AC. (Lighting)

Film & Broadcast


Increasing or decreasing tape speed to match the musical pitch of tape playback.

Film & Broadcast

Veeder Counter

A trade name for a mechanical counter which is actuated using a rotary shaft movement which can be calibrated to any system of measurement such as feet or frames. (Film Editing)

Media Buying


Anything capable of exposing advertising to customers.

Agile Methodology


At the end of each iteration, the team adds up effort estimates associated with user stories that were completed during that iteration. This total is called velocity.


Verbal Identity

The non-visual elements that define a brand identity in written communications and spoken language. Consistency in verbal identity can be recognized by phrases, tone of voice and the brand persona.

Agile Methodology

Version Control

Version control is not strictly an Agile “practice” insofar as it is now widespread in the industry as a whole. But it is mentioned here for several reasons.

General Advertising

Vertical Video

Vertical video indicates the portrait orientation (versus landscape orientation) of videos and ads, specifically on mobile devices.

Media Platforms & Technology

Video Ads

Video ads take advantage of sight, sound, and motion to draw in viewers. They have become popular for building awareness, bringing in traffic, and generating leads. As with most formats, there are many forms of video ads. In-stream video ads play amidst video content, offer both skippable and non-skippable ad types, and most commonly come […]

Film & Broadcast

Video Assist

The process of simultaneously recording filmed picture onto video tape by means of the same lens system in order to immediately evaluate a take as soon as it is completed. (Production)

Media Buying

Video Completion Rate (VCR)

The percentage of videos viewed to 100% completion (total number of videos watched at 100% divided by the total number of impressions served).