
Author: WAV

Media Buying


A newspaper section in magazine format inserted prior to distribution.

Media Platforms & Technology

Supply Path Optimization (SPO)

A technique in which certain ad exchanges are suppressed in order for ad inventory to be placed at the lowest and most effective cost.

Media Platforms & Technology

Supply Side Platform (SSP)

A technology platform that helps publishers manage their advertising inventory while maximizing potential revenue. SSPs allow publishers to manage their inventory in real time, prioritizing their own direct buys first (which net them more money), and then uploading their unsold inventory to the ad exchanges. SSP reporting capabilities also provide insight into what inventory is […]

General Advertising

Supply-Side Platform (SSP)

A supply-side platform is software often used by online publishers to automate selling advertising by connecting to multiple ad exchanges.

Film & Broadcast

Surround Sound

Sound that is reproduced through speakers above or behind the audience.

Agile Methodology

Sustainable Pace

The team aims for a work pace that they would be able to sustain indefinitely.

Film & Broadcast


Enhancing the sound of a recording or a particular sound effect with equalization or some other signal processing device.



An acronym for the technique to analyze a brand’s internal and external Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It provides an understanding of where and how the brand can improve, and how to set itself apart from competitors.



Symbols, the graphical portion of a logo, provide an instant way for consumers to recognize a brand. A well-known symbol, like McDonald’s Golden Arches, the Pillsbury Doughboy, or Starbucks’ Mermaid can be seen and recognized without any words.

Film & Broadcast

Sync Beep (sync tone)

In double system shooting with certain cameras, a tone feed into a magnetic tape recorder at the same time that a light in the camera exposes a few frames of film. The fogged section is later aligned with the beep tone to achieve synchronization of the sound to the picture.

Film & Broadcast

Synching Dailies

Assembling, for synchronous interlock, the picture and sound workprints of a day’s shooting. (Film Editing)

Film & Broadcast

T Stop

A true f/stop as opposed to one dereived mathematically. It is the actual light transmission of a lens as measured on an optical bench. (Camera)


Table this discussion

I have no answer for you so let’s avoid the discussion all together, formally known as the Parking lot

Print Media


A newspaper measuring about 5-6 columns wide by 200 lines deep, about 2/3 the size of a standard newspaper.

Media Buying


A newspaper format that’s roughly half the size of a broadsheet newspaper. Approximate size of a standard newspaper folded in half (slang “tab”).

Media Platforms & Technology


A piece of code inserted within a webpage that triggers an http(s) request to an ad server, providing information such as the cookie, page URL, screen resolution, and browser information, and allows for an ad to load. Asynchronous tags load in the background, allowing the client’s page to load independent of the tag’s server calls, […]

Social Media Marketing


A social media functionality that allows users to links the profile of the person or business targetted or referred to in the content. Use the exclusive tagging features available in social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Linkedin to increase your target and reach.

Social Media Management


Generating, applying and managing the electronic tags or keywords used in your community to classify and describe content, to make it more findable and discoverable.

General Advertising


A tagline is a brief, memorable catchphrase or slogan used in advertising that reinforces a brand’s message.



A short phrase that communicates a brand’s personality and energy in a distinctive catchphrase that is both succinct and memorable; often a concise embodiment of the brand positioning. Example: Disneyland’s “The happiest place on earth.” or Nike’s “Just do it.”

Film & Broadcast

Tail Leader

Leader used at the finish end of a strip of film. (Film Editing)