
Author: WAV

Print Media

Run Of Press or Run Of Paper (ROP)

A newspaper insertion for which an exact position is not requested but left to the newspaper’s discretion.

TV and Radio Media Buying

Run of Schedule or Run of Site (ROS)

In television or radio, ROS is scheduling to run across multiple dayparts and multiple days. Usually Monday-Friday, 6am-12Mid. In digital marketing, it refers to running on a website with no preference as to specific pages or times.

Film & Broadcast

Run of the Picture

A cast member whose work may be required any of the days scheduled for principal photography without incurring liability for additional compensation.

Film & Broadcast


This refers to daily prints of a film used for evaluation purposes. (Laboratory)



the smallest denomination of BTC, equal to 0.00000001 bitcoin. Satoshis are named after Bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto.



a protocol’s capacity to handle higher demand and increase transaction throughput as the network grows.

Social Media Management


Scalability is the capability of a system, network, organization or process to handle a growing amount of work, or its potential to be enlarged in order to accommodate that growth.

General Advertising


Scatter is buying and selling ad inventory on a short-term basis, closer to the programming airing, rather than all at once for a publisher’s or broadcaster’s year. (See “upfront.”)

Media Buying


A list of advertisements or media to be used in a campaign along with the timing of placements.

Media Buying

Schedule and Estimate

Detailed information submitted to the advertiser prior to a media buy; traditionally details price, schedule, publications and goals.

Project Management


The scope is basically the work that needs to be done in order to complete a project. You want your team members to be heavily involved in scoping a project before it begins — especially if you’re producing work for an external client. Only they know how much work will be required to complete that […]

Project Management

Scope creep

It sounds terrifying and for project managers it really is: scope creep is when your project starts to exceed its initial scope — often due to factors outside of your control. Sometimes you realize more work is needed than you initially thought. Other times you may run into unforeseen issues. But often, it’s just stakeholders […]

Film & Broadcast


The original-music composition for a motion picture or television production which is generally recorded after the picture has been edited.

Out of Home (OOH)


An out of home (OOH) advertising display capable of rendering digital content.

Film & Broadcast


A metal ‘window screen’ that can be placed in front of a lighting unit to decrease the lighting intensity by a predetermined amount. (Grip/Lighting)

Film & Broadcast


Moving a piece of tape or magnetic film back and forth over a sound head to locate a specific cue or word.

Film & Broadcast

Scrub Wheel

A mechanical control for scrubbing film or magnetic tape.

Agile Methodology


Scrum is a process framework used to manage product development and other knowledge work.

Project Management


This can mean one of two things. Firstly, scrum can mean an approach to Agile project management where teams work iteratively in short sprints to make incremental changes or produce deliverables. Alternatively, scrum can also refer to a daily meeting of your team, where every person shares their tasks for the day and any roadblocks […]

Agile Methodology

Scrum Master

The scrum master is responsible for ensuring the team lives agile values and principles and follows the practices that the team agreed they would use.

Agile Methodology

Scrum of Scrums

A technique to scale Scrum up to large groups (over a dozen people), consisting of dividing the groups into Agile teams of 5-10.