
Author: WAV

Email Marketing

Rental List (or Acquisition List)

Not a recommended email marketing technique, it is a list of prospects or a targeted group of recipients who have opted in to receive information about certain subjects, usually targeted by something like interest, profession, or demographic information.



Enacting changes to a product’s positioning to enhance its value in the mind of customers or change its potential market. Typically initiated when a product’s target audience(s) has shifted or the product is used in a different manner than originally positioned. Many products and services are originally positioned inadequately, minimizing the potential market. It is […]

Film & Broadcast


The process of regulating tape speed by comparing a reference signal on the tape with an external reference and adjusting the speed so that they match.

Website Development

Responsive design

A website that adjusts to the screen it is being viewed on, whether desktop, mobile or tablet. Media queries are used to find the resolution of the device the website is being displayed on, and then flexible images, fluid grids and the site menu are adjusted to fit the screen.

Social Media Marketing


Targeting ads at users who have already interacted with your brand or website is called retargeting. Recapture potential leads that did not convert and remarket your services to reach your marketing goal.

Media Platforms & Technology


Serving ads to consumers who have previously engaged via site visits or email sign-ups, where the prior engagement did not result in a sale or conversion. Shorthand abbreviations include RT and RET.

General Advertising


Retargeting, also called personalization, is aimed at directing an internet user back to a website they left, via tracking browsing behavior to deliver customized advertising. Cookies, for example, collect user information on websites. This information can be used to reach out to potential customers and to deliver ads to users after they leave a company’s […]

Digital Media & Advertising


The practice of targeting users who visited your website and left without buying via display ads on other websites. The display ad usually shows the last item browsed or an item recently put in the cart for checkout.

Agile Methodology


The team meets regularly to reflect on the most significant events that occurred since the previous such meeting, and identify opportunities for improvement.

Project Management


When a project ends, you can’t just jump right into the next one. Retrospectives (or retros) are a chance for the project team to come together after it ends to look at what worked well and what didn’t. It’s used to help implement changes and improve processes for future projects. Retrospection is one of the […]

Media Platforms & Technology

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

The amount of revenue generated by all customers who made a purchase and received advertising messaging). It is calculated as Revenue / Advertising Costs.

Digital Media & Advertising

Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS)

How much revenue you make for each dollar spent on ads. ROAS can help you see if your ads drive revenue for your business.

Digital Media & Advertising

Return on investment (ROI)

Typically calculated as total revenue divided by total costs. ROI is critical to watch to ensure that your ads are effective and drive results for your business.


Return on Investment (ROI)

Originally, this term referred to the profit that a company was making (Return), divided by the Investment required. Today, the term is used more loosely to include returns on various projects and objectives. For example, if a company spent $1,000 on marketing, which produced $2,000 in profit, the company could state that it’s ROI on […]


Revenue (Sales) (Rev)

Revenue is any money earned by the business.

Film & Broadcast


The presence or persistence of sound due to repeated reflections.

Film & Broadcast

Reversal film

A film that is manufactured and processed in such a way as to produce a positive image after exposure. (Film Editing)

Film & Broadcast

Reversal Intermediate

A second generation duplicate which is reversed to make it the same type, negative or positive, as the original. It is used for printing in order to protect the original. (Film Editing)

Film & Broadcast

Reversal Original

A reversal film designed to be exposed in a camera. (Film Editing)

Film & Broadcast

Reverse Action

An optical effect in which the action appears backwards from its chronological sequence. (Laboratory)

Film & Broadcast

Reverse Angle

A shot that is turned approximately 180 degrees in relation to the preceding shot. (Cinematography)