
Author: WAV

Media Platforms & Technology


Measures the impact of a single variable on an individual user’s behavior. For digital display marketing, it is most commonly used to measure the impact of a branded digital ad (exposed group) against a Public Service Announcement (PSA) ad (control group). The lift is measured as the percent difference between the two. Incrementality demonstrates the […]

Media Platforms & Technology

Incrementality Testing

Measuring how a specific marketing event (e.g., site conversion) was causally influenced by a media channel or tactic, in this case display, over a set time period and budget to isolate the impact of a particular (digital) advertising tactic on sales. This methodology involves serving a PSA placement to a control group and a branded […]

General Advertising

Independent Agency

Independent agencies are advertising agencies that are not owned by holding companies or beholden to controlling ownership.

Film & Broadcast


The resistance of a coil of wire to rapidly fluctuating currents which increases with frequency. (Acoustics)

General Advertising


An influencer has the ability to affect purchasing decisions by their audience because on knowledge, relationships and visibility. Influencers can have any role and be in any industry. Social media platforms are often home to influencers and their large followings.

General Advertising

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing relies on brands partnering with credible or popular individuals with large social followings to promote a brand’s authenticity and authority.

Social Media Marketing


Subject matter experts or celebrities with large social media following and the power to affect purchase decisions are called Influencers. Promoting and amplifying your content through social media influencers is the best way to achieve wider reach and conversion rates.

Website Development

Information Architecture (IA)

The information blueprint and navigation of a website. It typically includes a site map, wireframes (see definition) for each page and any necessary notations regarding navigation, content and features that will be included on the site.

Agile Methodology

Information Radiators

“Information radiator” is the term for any of a number of visual displays which a team places in a highly visible location, so that all team members can see the latest information at a glance.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

A self-service computing, networking, and storage utility on-demand over a network.



An abbreviated version of a brand’s name formed by the first letter of each word in its name. Its appearance is identical to an acronym, but differs in that it’s pronounced letter by letter, rather than as a spoken word. Examples: CNN, NBC and AT&T, vs. NASA, which is an acronym.

Film & Broadcast


A small (250 watt) fresnel type light. (Lighting)

Media Buying


A one-page or multi-page print advertisement that is distributed and inserted into a publication.

Film & Broadcast

Insert Editing

Used in videotape or digital audio editing to describe the process of replacing a segment located between two specific and previously dubbed segments.

Media Buying

Insertion Order

Written authorization from the advertiser or agency to a publication. Orders specify cost per ad, size, publication dates as well as any request for special position.

Print Media

Insertion Order

Written instructions from the advertiser or agency authorizing a publication to run a specific advertisement in a specific issue. Also specifies cost per ad and size of ad, as well as any request for special position in the publication.

Social Media Marketing


Valuable analytics about business pages and how they are performing compared to similar competitor pages are known as Insights. Subscribe to social media analytics to gain a complete understanding of your social media performance.

General Advertising

Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories is a feature of mobile social-networking app Instagram that allows users to post photos and videos that vanish after 24 hours. Stories can be adorned with hashtags, stickers and polls.

Social Media Marketing

Instant Messaging (IM)

Real-time, direct text-based communication between two or more people is called instant messaging (IM).



Elements of a brand that are incapable of being touched and often difficult to assign value to. Intangibles assets include trademarks, copyrights, patents, design rights, proprietary expertise, databases, etc. Intangible brand attributes include: brand names, logos, graphic style (e.g. Adidas three stripes), colors, shapes and smells.

Agile Methodology


“Integration” (or “integrating”) refers to any efforts still required for a project team to deliver a product suitable for release as a functional whole.