
Author: WAV

Social Media Management

Community Advocacy

The ability to represent the needs of the community and provide support or recommendation for it in a variety of situations.

Social Media Management

Community Guidelines

Your rules of engagement. A list of encouraged and discouraged behaviors you share with your community members. A place to define which behaviors are expected and express the community’s core values.

Social Media Management

Community Leadership Program

See also: Champion This is often seen as an ‘Advocacy’ or ‘Champion’ program. These community leaders act as ambassadors of the community to help fulfill specific roles and support community goals.

Social Media Marketing

Community Management

Community management on social media is what happens after and beyond your social media publishing. It’s part customer service, part listening to the internet, and part being active in discussions that relate to your brand. With digital communication tools and social media platforms becoming more accessible each day to a number of people globally, it […]

Social Media Management

Community Platform

The technology that hosts your community network. Examples include: Jive, Lithium, Higher Logic and Salesforce.

Social Media Management

Community Skills Framework

The Community Skills Framework includes five skill families with ten skills in each family, that are used in community management.

Film & Broadcast


Refers to a device that compresses an input signal and expands the output signal in order to reduce noise. (Sound)

Digital Media & Advertising

Competitor geofencing advertising:

Geofencing allows you to target people within a virtual fence to receive advertisements. Competitor geofencing places that virtual fence around your competitor’s locations so that people will receive ads for your business when they are within a competitor geofencing zone.

Film & Broadcast

Completion Bond

An insurance guarantee that principal photography on a given film will be completed. It indemnifies a production against the unforeseen costs of any type, whether or not they result from problems which are covered by other types of insurance.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Complex-Adaptive Systems

Any system made of a collection of similar, smaller pieces that are dynamically connected and can change to adapt to changes for the benefit of a macrostructure.

Film & Broadcast

Composite Print

A motion picture print with both picture and sound on the same strip of film. (Laboratory)

Film & Broadcast


The reduction of a span of amplitudes done for the purpose of limiting the reproduction of those amplitudes. (Post Production)

Film & Broadcast

Condenser Microphone

The simplest type of microphone in which the capacitance (electrical charge) is varied by sound, causing movement in one plate (diaphragm) in relation to a fixed backplate. (Sound)

Development Operations (DevOps)

Configuration Drift

How software and hardware configurations become inconsistent with the master version due to manual and ad hoc changes (like hotfixes) that are not committed back to version control. Often a significant source of technical debt.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Configuration Management

A process for establishing and maintaining consistent settings of a system. These solutions also include SysAdmin tools for IT infrastructure automation (e.g. Chef, Puppet, etc.).

Media Buying

Connected TV

Video content that is delivered to a user via the internet rather than a traditional cable subscription.

Media Platforms & Technology

Connected TV (CTV)

A device used to stream digital video. CTVs can include smart TV platforms, streaming services, or video game consoles such as Xbox, PlayStation, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and Apple TV. In digital advertising, this has provided a new channel, which allows for advertisers to insert their video ads in streamed digital video. With broadcast television […]



the state of agreement amongst the nodes on a blockchain. Reaching consensus is necessary for new transactions to be verified and new blocks to be added to the blockchain.


Consensus Mechanism

a process through which nodes on a blockchain come into agreement on a transaction or state of the network.

Media Platforms & Technology


Reaching consumers who have heard of your brand or product but need to understand details about the product or service to be sold on your brand specifically. These consumers are often researching a product category and are evaluating your brand against the competitive set. To be brought into their consideration set and selected, brands must […]

Media Platforms & Technology

Consideration Campaign

Ad campaign designed to educate customers on the benefits and features of a brand, product, or service with the intention of being included as an option when a purchase is needed.