
Author: WAV

Email Marketing

Accounting Period

An Accounting Period is designated in all Financial Statements (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows). The period communicates the span of time that is reported in the statements.

Film & Broadcast

Acetate Base

The tranparent cellulose acetate plastic film which for years served as the backing for magnetic recording tape. (Sound Recording)

Film & Broadcast


An organic liquid chemical used in the manufacture of some types of film cement. Also used to clean film splicing equipment. (Film Editing)

Film & Broadcast


The science of the transmission of sound waves. Generally refers to the characteristics of auditoriums, theatres and studios with respect to their design.

Film & Broadcast

Action Cutting

The cutting of film from one shot to another in a way yielding the impression that action is continuous and uninterrupted. (Film Editing)

General Advertising


An activation is a marketing event or campaign that is designed to get consumers to interact with a brand and thus build loyalty.

General Advertising

Ad Blocker

An ad blocker is software designed to filter or remove ads—pop-ups, for example—from online content. Users add such programs to their web browsers. Ad blockers work by recognizing ad server tags.

General Advertising

Ad Exchange

An ad exchange is a marketplace for automated buying and selling of ad inventory. Advertisers can connect to ad exchanges via demand-side platforms, target audiences and bid on space. Publishers tend to utilize supply-side platforms.

Media Platforms & Technology

Ad Exchanges

A marketplace platform that facilitates automated, auction-based buying and selling of ad inventory from the various ad networks. Ad exchanges operate in real time, and inventory is bought as needed.

Media Platforms & Technology

Ad Fraud

Any deliberate activity that prevents the proper delivery of ads to the intended audience in the intended place. Occurs when perpetrators generate fake activity in order to generate ad revenue. Common fraud techniques include bot activity, cloaked URLs, and unviewable ads hiding behind other content.

General Advertising

Ad Fraud

Ad fraud is deceptive representation of traffic, impressions and other aspects of advertising to generate revenue. It is often carried out by bots and costs brands and publishers billions of dollars each year.

General Advertising

Ad Impression

An ad impression, also called an ad view, is the point at which an ad on a website appears on a user’s display. Counting impressions is critical in online advertising, so the point at which an ad becomes countable is essential. A website may have spaces for multiple ad impressions, and an impression is counted […]

Media Platforms & Technology

Ad Impressions

The total number of times a digital advertisement is displayed on screen and counted. See viewability for additional measurement overlay.

General Advertising

Ad Inventory

Ad inventory is the amount of space or the number of advertisements a publisher has availble to sell to advertisers.

Media Platforms & Technology

Ad Network

A third-party company that connects websites that want to monetize their ad inventory with the appropriate advertisers. Ad networks aggregate publishers into content categories (travel, home and garden, sports) and then find the corresponding advertisers who want to buy that ad inventory at a high volume for a lower price, enabling advertisers to forego site-direct […]

Digital Media Buying

Ad network

These are companies that connect marketers with a multitude of websites that want to host their ads.

Media Platforms & Technology

Ad Server

A technology and service that determines instantaneously what ads show up on a website and then serves those ads. Ad servers are used by publishers, advertisers, and ad networks to push their advertisements to desired ad inventory and measure the success and progress of different campaigns.

General Advertising

Ad Serving

Ad serving is technology that automates the requests and serving of ads to a website; many programs also track the ads’ performance. When a user arrives at a website, an ad server concludes what ads are suitable for the request (criteria might include time of day, size of ad slot, etc.), and the ad is […]

General Advertising

Ad Targeting

Ad targeting is designing ads and their delivery to reach specific audiences through behaviors and locations, among other qualifiers. Advertisers often make use of data management platforms, or DMPs, for this purpose.

General Advertising

Ad Tech

Ad tech, short for advertising technology, encompasses all technologies and services employed for targeting and delivering online advertisements.

Digital Media & Advertising

Ad tech

Advertising technology, also known as ad tech, is any technology that gives ad makers the resources to control their ads and ad placement. A few examples of ad tech include Adroll and Tapad.