
Author: WAV

Social Media Marketing

Boosted Post

A paid ad or post that helps increase brand reach by targeting the right niche audience for a specified budget and duration. Use Facebook Promoted Posts to get that additional paid reach.

General Advertising


A bot, short for web robot, is commanded by code and performs automated tasks on the internet. Frequently, bots are used to carry out ad fraud by simulating human traffic to websites.

Film & Broadcast

Bottom Chop

A flag or cutter which is used to keep light off of the floor or the lower part of a scene. (Grip/Lighting)

Digital Media & Advertising

Bounce rate

The number of times a user left your page without interacting with it divided by the total number of visitor sessions. A high bounce rate often points to a lack of quality information on the page, but it could also mean a user found exactly what they wanted to find and left.


Bounce rate

The percentage of visits to a website where visitors leave after viewing a single page.

Film & Broadcast

Box Rental

A fee or allowance paid to a crewmember for providing his/her own equipment or other specialized apparatus for use in a production. (Production)

Film & Broadcast

Branch Holder

A pipe-like unit with a locking nut which is used to hold branches, wooden poles, or other items. (Grip/Lighting)

Development Operations (DevOps)


The duplication of an object under review in source control so that the same code can be modified by more than one developer in parallel.



A mix of tangible and intangible attributes, symbolized in a trademark that can be managed to create value for organizations and customers. It is the physical representation of a company’s offerings and values, but can exist subjectively in a person’s mind. This is chiefly influenced by a person’s comparison of the brand promise offered versus […]

Media Platforms & Technology

Brand Advertising

Its primary aim is to get people to believe in something. The goal of brand advertising is to foster long-term positive recognition by establishing brand identity, credibility, and loyalty and connecting with prospects intellectually and emotionally.

Social Media Marketing

Brand Advocate

A customer, employee, or a stakeholder who posts positive messages and reviews, supporting the brand on social media is called a brand advocate.


Brand Attributes

The touchstones that define the qualities and personality of the brand in a customer’s mind. Brand attributes help establish the spirit and tone that inform all communications and effectively guide internal culture. They are the qualities that make a brand unique, personal and recognizable.


Brand Audit

A thorough, under-the-hood examination of a brand to uncover performance, position and customer insights. A brand requires these inspections in order to identify strengths, weakness and opportunities for refinement or new initiatives. The results of a brand audit will align teams and set the stage to prioritize and manage any course corrections needed.


Brand Awareness

The ability of a brand’s customers to identify the brand in a crowded market, and their level of familiarity with the brand’s unique buying proposition. Greater brand awareness is often a primary goal of marketing a product or service and is critical when launching a new brand. Brand awareness coupled with brand preference creates an […]

General Advertising

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is potential customers’ recognition of a brand and its products or services.

Digital Media & Advertising

Brand awareness

The extent to which a consumer can identify a specific product, service or business without any research needed. Brand awareness is one of the primary objectives of digital marketing, as it’s fundamental to earning sales down the line.

General Advertising

Brand Crisis

A brand crisis occurs when a negative event is highly publicized and centers on one company. Brand crises affect reputation and revenue.

Media Buying

Brand Development Index (BDI)

A measure of the strength of a brand’s sales in a particular geographic area indexed to the national sales average. BDI indicates where significant groups of a brand’s customers live and aids in targeting marketing efforts.


Brand Discovery

The process of objectively examining a brand to better understand its role within the competitive landscape and gain insights into its consumers and what motivates category purchase. Brand discovery will reveal strengths, weaknesses and what customers value most among the brand’s offerings and why.


Brand Equity

The value of a brand’s financial and non-financial assets measured by its quality of public awareness and influence. Brand equity represents the sum of all distinguishing qualities of a brand, drawn from all relevant stakeholders, that result in personal commitment to and demand for the brand; these differentiating thoughts and feelings make the brand valued […]


Brand Experience

The means by which a brand is created in the mind of a stakeholder through all experiences and interactions with or involving the brand. Some experiences are controlled, such as retail environments, advertising, products/services, websites, etc. Some are uncontrolled, like journalistic comment and word of mouth. Strong brands arise from consistent experiences that combine to […]