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WordPress CMS Glossary

WordPress CMS

Category and Tags

When you create blog posts (or posts for other sections) on your WordPress site you have the option to organize your content. To visualize, a Category is a main grouping for your posts. For example, if you visit a news blog you might see categories for “Politics” or “Technology.” Tags are more specific and often […]

WordPress CMS


CDN stands for Content Delivery Network and is a network of servers and data centers spread out around the globe. It hosts a copy of your website’s static files (like your images, CSS files, etc) and delivers them to site visitors from geographically closer servers. This can speed up your site and helps lessen the […]


CeFi- Centralized Finance

centralized businesses that participate in crypto.



a hierarchical structure in which authority and control are concentrated within a small group of decision makers.


CEX- Centralized Exchange

a cryptocurrency exchange managed by a centralized business or entity.



A reversal of a completed credit card transaction—typically because a customer disputes a charge and the merchant’s bank refunds the value of the transaction.


Click-to-open rate (CTOR)

This measure reflects the effectiveness of the message and content in your email in getting recipients to click through and find out more about your business or offer. Here’s the how to calculate click-to-open rate: [Unique Clicks] / [Unique Opens] x 100 = Click-to-Open Rate


Cohort analysis

An analysis of customer behaviors, during a specified time frame, of a subset of your ecommerce customers that have been segmented from all your visitors based on shared characteristics.



a cryptocurrency built on its own native blockchain, intended to be used as a store of value and medium of exchange within that ecosystem.


Cold Wallet

an offline device used to store cryptocurrencies. Cold wallets can be hardware devices or simply sheets of paper containing a user’s private keys. Because cold wallets are not connected to the internet, they are generally a safer method of storing cryptocurrencies.



any asset accepted as security for a loan, such as a physical asset like real estate, or a digital asset like an NFT.

Agile Methodology

Collective Ownership

Collective code ownership is the explicit convention that every team member can make changes to any code file as necessary: either to complete a development task, to repair a defect, or to improve the code’s overall structure.

Development Operations (DevOps)


A way to record the changes to a repository and add a log message to describe the changes that were made.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Complex-Adaptive Systems

Any system made of a collection of similar, smaller pieces that are dynamically connected and can change to adapt to changes for the benefit of a macrostructure.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Configuration Drift

How software and hardware configurations become inconsistent with the master version due to manual and ad hoc changes (like hotfixes) that are not committed back to version control. Often a significant source of technical debt.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Configuration Management

A process for establishing and maintaining consistent settings of a system. These solutions also include SysAdmin tools for IT infrastructure automation (e.g. Chef, Puppet, etc.).



the state of agreement amongst the nodes on a blockchain. Reaching consensus is necessary for new transactions to be verified and new blocks to be added to the blockchain.


Consensus Mechanism

a process through which nodes on a blockchain come into agreement on a transaction or state of the network.

Development Operations (DevOps)


Resource isolation at the OS (rather than machine) level, usually (in UNIX-based systems) in user space. Isolated elements vary by containerization strategy and often include file system, disk quota, CPU and memory, I/O rate, root privileges, and network access. Much lighter-weight than machine-level virtualization and sufficient for many isolation requirement sets.

Development Operations (DevOps)


Resource isolation at the OS (rather than machine) level, usually (in UNIX-based systems) in user space. Isolated elements vary by containerization strategy and often include file system, disk quota, CPU and memory, I/O rate, root privileges, and network access. Much lighter-weight than machine-level virtualization and sufficient for many isolation requirement sets.

WordPress CMS


Your Content consists of all the posts and pages on your website. This can be text, tables, images, or anything else your add to your site. It’s essentially all the information outside of your graphic design.