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Website Development Glossary

Website Development


A rotating banner of images that is sometimes placed on the homepage of a website. It is a “slide show” type format that can highlight different content and include images or video.



Sliders are small image galleries designed so that each image is displayed for several seconds before moving on (or sliding) to the next image. Many include links to blog posts or other content. WordPress has dozens of slider plugins available, some of which are often included in premium themes. We’ve talked about the best slider […]



the price of a cryptocurrency may change between the time an order is placed and the time that order is ultimately filled. Slippage is the difference between a cryptocurrency’s quoted price and the price that a trade actually executes at.


Smart Contract

self-executing code deployed on a blockchain. Smart contracts allow transactions to be made without an intermediary figure and without the parties involved having to trust one another.


Soft Fork

a backwards compatible update to a blockchain. Unlike a hard fork, these changes do not require the creation of a separate chain.



the native programming language of Ethereum, mainly used to write smart contracts.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Source Control

A system for storing, tracking, and managing changes to software. This is commonly done through a process of creating branches (copies for safely creating new features) off of the stable master version of the software and then merging stable feature branches back into the master version. This is also known as version control or revision […]



Spam on WordPress sites is typically in the form of junk comments or contact form submissions. These are often loaded with links and unsolicited ads, and can come in by the hundreds thanks to bots. But thankfully this is easily prevented with an anti-spam plugin.

Agile Methodology

Sprint Backlog

A sprint backlog is the subset of product backlog that a team targets to deliver during a sprint in order to accomplish the sprint goal and make progress toward a desired outcome.

Agile Methodology

Sprint Planning

Sprint planning is an event that occurs at the beginning of a sprint where the team determines the product backlog items they will work on during that sprint.

Website Development


For full stack and server side developers, SQL (Structured Query Language) is the cherry on the cake of your developing toolkit. A vital part of web development, SQL makes obtaining specific data from large, complex databases a breeze. SQL is in high demand among big companies like Microsoft, so this is a clever choice for […]



SSL is an abbreviation for Secure Sockets Layer, which is a secure way to connect and authenticate communication between your website server and a site visitor’s computer. Having SSL is also what adds the “s” to https in your site URL. Currently, most modern browsers (like Chrome and Firefox) require all websites to have valid […]

Website Development

SSL certificate

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security protocol necessary for establishing encrypted communication between a web browser and a website. When a site has an SSL certificate, HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) appears in the URL and the site displays as “secure.” The details of the certificate can be viewed by clicking on […]



a token with its value pegged to another asset. Stablecoins are usually backed by a fiat currency, like the US dollar, but can also be pegged to physical assets like precious metals, or even other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Staging Environment

Used to test the newer version of your software before it’s moved to live production. Staging is meant to replicate as much of your live production environment as possible, giving you the best chance to catch any bugs before you release your software.


Stock keeping unit (SKU)

SKU is a unique alphanumeric identification code for each product or service in your business’s inventory.

Agile Methodology

Story Mapping

Story mapping consists of ordering user stories along two independent dimensions.

Agile Methodology

Story Splitting

Splitting consists of breaking up one user story into smaller ones, while preserving the property that each user story separately has measurable business value.

Agile Methodology

Sustainable Pace

The team aims for a work pace that they would be able to sustain indefinitely.

Agile Methodology

Task Board

The most basic form of a task board is divided into three columns labeled “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Done.” Cards are placed in the columns to reflect the current status of that task.

Agile Methodology


A “team” in the Agile sense is a small group of people, assigned to the same project or effort, nearly all of them on a full-time basis.