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eCommerce Glossary


Search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO is a strategy, process, and tactic to improve an online store’s website content to make it easier for search engine bots to index the site and to drive up its search ranking. More on ecommerce SEO here.

Website Development

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO concerns increasing your site’s likelihood of being served up to web browsers that query relevant keywords. SEO ranking can be improved by helping search engines understand the information on your website in order to rank higher in organic search results. This includes having title tags, meta descriptions and ALT tags for images on your […]


Seed Phrase

a string of words used as a master password to access a crypto wallet. Because a single wallet can contain multiple accounts, all with their own private keys, a seed phrase makes it easy to access them all with the same password.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Self-Service Deployment

The action of automating deployment processes enough for developers to allow project managers or even clients to directly control deployments.



This acronym is short for Search Engine Optimization. Basically, SEO is making sure your website shows up in search results instead of being lost in the ether – which means more site visitors. You can improve your WordPress SEO by using relevant tags, categories and keywords in your posts and headlines, and by writing headlines […]


SEO Friendly URL Slugs

A slug is the part of the URL that contains the name of the post. It’s often just a few words long, intended to describe what the post is about. WordPress automatically uses the post’s title as the slug, but you can edit the slug if necessary.



meaning “sir,” a common intentional misspelling used in crypto circles

Website Development


Stands for Search Engine Results Pages. These are the pages served up to users when they query a search term in a search engine, such as Google.



SHA stands for Secure Hashing Algorithm, a set of cryptographic hashing functions designed by the NSA. Essentially, SHA-256 takes an input of data and generates a long sequence of letters and numbers, called a hash. This hash is then used as a secure placeholder for the data it represents.



a method of separating a network’s nodes out into smaller groups (shards) in an attempt to increase scalability. These shards are then able to reach consensus on behalf of the entire network, removing the need for every node to process every transaction.



the act of heavily promoting a cryptocurrency, stock, or other asset in an effort to increase adoption and, in turn, raise its price. This is usually done via spamming on social media, and generally carries a negative connotation. A person who performs the act of shilling may also be referred to as a shill.



Shipping is the transfer of a product from a seller’s warehouse to a customer’s delivery address.



a cryptocurrency with weak fundamentals and little to no use case.


Shopping cart

A virtual representation of a shopping cart that lists the items that a customer has identified for purchase on your website. Learn about recovering abandoned cart revenue here.



Shortcodes are essentially macros, or sets of programming instructions designed to do things automatically, leading to reduced time and effort on your part (and no need for coding, either). In other words, shortcodes are shortcuts. In WordPress blogs, some themes contain shortcodes that you can use to format your content – for example, to add […]



Sidebars show supporting content on a post or page.



a parallel blockchain used to offload transactions from the main chain in order to increase scalability or add other functionality. Sidechains are connected to their main chain, or parent chain, via a two-way link which allows data and assets to be seamlessly transferred.

Agile Methodology

Sign Up for Tasks

Members of an Agile development team normally choose which tasks to work on, rather than being assigned work by a manager.

Agile Methodology

Simple Design

A team adopting the “simple design” practice bases its software design strategy on a set of “simple design” principles.

Website Development

Site map

A document that shows a hierarchical blueprint of a website’s pages and content. This is usually one of the first steps in a website redesign, as it is important to know what content is needed on a website before design begins.



the process of burning or redistributing a validator’s staked cryptocurrency as punishment for approving fraudulent charges or otherwise endangering the network.