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Web3 Glossary


Pump and dump

a scheme where a cryptocurrency or other asset is hyped up, leading many to buy into it, raising its price. Those who did the hyping then sell their holdings of the asset as the price rises for a short period of time. This then leads to a sharp selloff where anyone who did not sell […]

Website Development

Push-based & Pull-based

Push-based architecture is action-based while pull-based is component-based. Push-based models start with action and then push the data to the view layer. Pull-based architecture, on the other hand, starts with the view layer.

Website Development


A new kid on the block compared to some other languages in this list, Python is extremely easy to learn and is a dynamic, all-purpose language. Although more popular as a back end language, it can do pretty much anything you want it to. Designed with the goal of being readable, simple, and most of […]

Agile Methodology

Quick Design Session

When “simple design” choices have far-reaching consequences, two or more developers meet for a quick design session at a whiteboard.


Recurring payment

A transaction wherein a customer authorizes an online store to automatically charge a credit card for regular delivery of products or services.

Agile Methodology


Refactoring consists of improving the internal structure of an existing program’s source code, while preserving its external behavior.

Website Development


The company used to register your domain name. Some examples include GoDaddy or Network Solutions.

Agile Methodology

Relative Estimation

Relative estimation consists of estimating tasks or user stories by comparison or by grouping of items of equivalent difficulty.

Website Development

Responsive design

A website that adjusts to the screen it is being viewed on, whether desktop, mobile or tablet. Media queries are used to find the resolution of the device the website is being displayed on, and then flexible images, fluid grids and the site menu are adjusted to fit the screen.

Agile Methodology


The team meets regularly to reflect on the most significant events that occurred since the previous such meeting, and identify opportunities for improvement.

Website Development

ROI (Return On Investment)

an analysis used to evaluate the effectiveness of an investment. Compares profit to initial investment.

Development Operations (DevOps)


An automatic or manual operation that restores a database or program to a previously defined state.



a scaling solution that aims to improve transaction throughput and decrease fees by batching multiple transactions off-chain and then submitting them to the main chain as a single transaction.

Website Development


Scalable, simple and super fast, Ruby and Ruby on Rails is a dream team duo that offers a full stack language and framework to build full programs and web apps, fast. It’s a favourite among entrepreneurs and start ups, and has a wide selection of third-party ‘gems’ (add-ons) that can make it do pretty much […]

Agile Methodology

Rule of Simplicity

Rules of Simplicity is a set of criteria, in priority order, proposed by Kent Beck to judge whether some source code is “simple enough.”



the smallest denomination of BTC, equal to 0.00000001 bitcoin. Satoshis are named after Bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto.



a protocol’s capacity to handle higher demand and increase transaction throughput as the network grows.

Agile Methodology


Scrum is a process framework used to manage product development and other knowledge work.

Agile Methodology

Scrum Master

The scrum master is responsible for ensuring the team lives agile values and principles and follows the practices that the team agreed they would use.

Agile Methodology

Scrum of Scrums

A technique to scale Scrum up to large groups (over a dozen people), consisting of dividing the groups into Agile teams of 5-10.

Agile Methodology


Scrumban is a mixture of Scrum and Kanban.