SpeakEasy - Taking the Jargon Our of the Industry SpeakEasy - Taking the Jargon Our of the Industry

Web3 Glossary



any device connected to a blockchain network. Different nodes have varying levels of responsibility, and may help validate transactions, store the blockchain’s history, relay data, and perform other functions. Because blockchains are distributed peer-to-peer networks, nodes come together to create the network’s infrastructure.



unique; not interchangeable.

Development Operations (DevOps)

One-Stop Shop / Out-of-the-Box Tools

Tools that provide a set of functionalities that works immediately after installation with hardly any configuration or modification needs. When applied to the software delivery, a one-stop shop solution allows quick setup of a deployment pipeline.


Open rate

The number of email subscribers who open the email you sent them.

Agile Methodology

Open Space

In Open Space meetings, events, or conferences, participants create and manage their own agenda of parallel sessions around a specific theme.



a service supplying smart contracts with data from the outside world. Smart contracts are unable to access data that exists off-chain, so they rely on oracles to retrieve, verify, and provide external information.



The use of third-party vendors to support business needs to reduce overhead costs.


P2P- Peer-to-Peer

a distributed network of two or more computers which interact directly without a central server or entity.

Website Development

Page speed

A measurement of the length of time it takes to load all the content on a specific web page.

Website Development

Page template

A unique page layout for page(s) of a website. On average, a website has 8-10 page templates. For example, the homepage and contact page of a website look different and contain different elements, therefore they are two different page templates.

Website Development

Paid Inclusion

paying a search engine a fee to include your website in their search results.

Agile Methodology

Pair Programming

Pair programming consists of two programmers sharing a single workstation (one screen, keyboard and mouse among the pair).

Development Operations (DevOps)

Pair Programming

A software development practice where two developers work on a feature, rather than one, so that both developers can review each others’ code as it’s being written in order to improve code quality.


Partial shipment

Partial shipment is when you send only part of an order to a customer and fulfill the order in multiple deliveries.


Path length

Google Analytics measures path length to summarize how long, in interactions, it takes visitors to your ecommerce site to become customers.


Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing

An advertising model in which the business pays only when someone clicks an ad and is directed to the retail website.


Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance

PCI is a set of requirements to ensure you protect your customers’ credit card information when stored, processed, or transmitted.


Payment service provider

An ecommerce service that lets online stores accept and process multiple payment methods, such as credit cards, direct debits, bank transfers, and real-time online banking.

WordPress CMS

Permalink or Slug

A permalink (short for “permanent link”) is the URL for a blog post or web page. When you share posts or pages with other people, the permalink is the web address that you’re sharing. You can checkout our blog post to learn more about improving permalinks.

Agile Methodology


Personas are synthetic biographies of fictitious users of the future product.



profile picture, usually referring to one of an NFT