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Website Development Glossary

Website Development

Meta Tag

Important for SEO ranking, a meta tag is an HTML tag that is used by search engines to index a site. Meta tags store information about a web page, such as its description, author and copyright. Search engines use this information to categorize websites and display information in search engine results pages (SERPs).



a theoretical or emergent networked online space with digitally persistent environments that people inhabit, as avatars, for synchronous interactions and experiences, accessing the shared virtual space through virtual reality, augmented reality, game consoles, mobile devices, or conventional computers.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Microservices Architecture

The practice of developing software as an interconnected system of several independent, modular services that communicate with each other.

Agile Methodology

Milestone Retrospective

A Milestone Retrospective is a team’s detailed analysis of the project’s significant events after a set period of time or at the project’s end.

Agile Methodology

Minimum Marketable Feature (MMF)

A Minimum Marketable Feature is a small, self-contained feature that can be developed quickly and that delivers significant value to the user.

Agile Methodology

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

A Minimum Viable Product is, as Eric Ries said, the “version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.”



in a Proof of Work system, this is the process of verifying transactions, organizing them into blocks, and then adding blocks to the blockchain. Participants who perform this process are called miners.



the process of validating information, such as domain ownership, and registering that onto the blockchain.

Agile Methodology

Mob Programming

Mob Programming is a software development approach where the whole team works on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, and at the same computer.


Mobile commerce (m-commerce)

The use of wireless electronic mobile devices such as cellphones, smartphones, and tablets to buy and sell products and services online.

Agile Methodology

Mock Objects

Mock Objects (commonly used in the context of crafting automated unit tests) consist of instantiating a test-specific version of a software component.

Website Development

Model View Controller

MVC or Model View Controller is a popular architecture type used by many frameworks. In the MVC model, the application is divided into three main components – the model, the view, and the controller. Each component handles specific functions. It makes the complex application development processes simple and manageable.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Model-Based Testing

A software testing technique in which the test cases are derived from a model that describes the functional aspects of the System Under Test (SUT). Visual models can be used to represent the desired behavior of a SUT, or to represent testing strategies and a test environment. From that model manual tests, test data, and […]

Website Development

Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)

The MVVM model allows for clean and organized structuring of codes according to design patterns. Here, the data presentation logic is separated from the core business logic part. The different code layers of MVVM are model, view, and ViewModel.

Website Development


A minimum viable product (MVP) is a version of a product with just enough features to be usable by early customers who can then provide feedback for future product development. A focus on releasing an MVP means that developers potentially avoid lengthy and (ultimately) unnecessary work.

Website Development


The navigational elements that appear on a website and direct the user throughout the site. While this primarily refers to the “menu bar” located at the top of a website or along either side, it can also include textual links in the “footer” at the bottom of the page.


NFT Domains

domain names minted on the blockchain which allow people to govern their own data, set their Web3 username, take control of their digital worlds, and harness the power of the internet.


NFT Hot Take

Benny Martin, We are Volumes Chief Production Officer gives a hot take on the future potential uses for NFTs.


NFT Hot Take ft. Frank Cannata

Frank Cannata, We are Volume’s Chief Delivery Officer Gives A Hot Take on What Actually Makes an NFT Valuable.


NFT- Non-fungible token

a digital certificate of authenticity used to assign and verify ownership of a unique digital or physical asset. Unlike fungible tokens, NFTs are not interchangeable with one another.

Agile Methodology

Niko-niko Calendar

A Niko-niko Calendar is updated daily with each team member’s mood for that day. Over time the calendar reveals patterns of change in the moods of the team, or of individual members.