Corporate Glossary
30,000 Foot View
Don’t bore me with the details, i’m too smart for this, just give me the top line (see top line)
Blue sky
We have no strategy, but we did some work as a bonus.
Boil the ocean
You don’t have budget or time to do all of this, so let’s not try to boil the ocean (and not take on more than we can handle at one time)
Circle back
We have absolutely no idea how to address this issue at the moment- so let’s circle back on that
Project Management
Deliverables are the quantifiable goods or services that are delivered at the end of a project.
a term that makes one look smart when simple asking the difference between two numbers
Project Management
Dependencies represent a relationship between tasks or projects where the initiation or completion of one is dependent on the completion or initiation of the other. Worth noting: dependencies can cause challenges for project managers, as a delay in one task can result in a domino effect for all dependent tasks.
Devil is in the details
As we explore the muntia of this we will explore how screwed we really are
Project Management
Gantt chart
This is one of those project management terms that, if you aren’t familiar with it, can send a chill down your spine. Don’t fret! Gantt charts aren’t all that mystifying or intimidating! They’re just horizontal bar charts that visually represent a project’s tasks over time. Gantt charts are actually great tools for illustrating dependencies as […]
Hard stop
You tend to run over on meetings so i’m letting you know, right now, that i’m hanging up regardless of where you are in whatever this is
Project Management
Hybrid methodology
Hybrid methodology involves combining multiple project management methodologies — for example Agile and waterfall — into a single workflow (more on workflows below).
I Digress
to turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument. Synonym: But I Digress after spending 15 minutes not talking about the topic i was supposed to be talking about and therefor wasting the total meeting but I digress
Project Management
Job stories
Job stories are a device used to facilitate team conversations. They’re used to shift the discussion focus : from assumptions to context; from subjectiveness to causality; and from personas to motivations.
Project Management
Kanban is a very visual project management methodology in which tasks and projects are organized on a board. The board is broken into sections representing your workflow — a typical breakdown is “To-Do,” “Doing,” and “Done” — and tasks move through each of these categories throughout a project. Kanban gives team members a quick, digestible […]
Project Management
KPI is an acronym that stands for Key Performance Indicator. Project managers and other leaders use KPIs to break goals down into specific, quantifiable metrics. An example of a KPI could be achieving $1,000,000 in annual revenue.
Let’s put a pin in it
I don’t like your idea and would rather stab it PS. We do not endorse idea violence
Let’s put some time back on the calendar
You bore me and i know you booked the hour but i’m done early so lets give you some back on the calendar.
Project Management
Level of Effort (LOE)
The level of effort calculates how much time is needed by role, across the timeline and the sums of the total labor (level of effort) required to complete a task or project is the LOE.
Low-Hanging Fruit
Why work hard and climb to the top, just grab the low stuff. Kidding aside, it means sometimes small wins go a long way to build moral and team confidence, especially in a project based culture, so yeah – that feature is low-hanging fruit, so let’s do that first.
Project Management
A milestone is a key event in a project that marks a significant development or change. They are particularly valuable for long-term projects in which multiple deliverables will be completed at different stages. Essentially milestones let you know if you’re on track throughout a project, so you don’t only notice something is off when you […]
Project Management
An MVP doesn’t have the most goals in a season. MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product, meaning a version of a software product that has enough features to satisfy a customer need and generate feedback for future development. While mostly used in software development, MVPs can be created for other projects, too.