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Media Buying Glossary

Media Buying

Page Unit

An ad measurement system used in magazine advertisements and some tabloids. Designated measurements often include full page, half page, one-third page, one-sixth page, etc. These are also called modular units.

Media Buying

Page View

The total number of times a page on a website is visited during a set period of time.

Media Buying

Paid Circulation

The number of printed copies that are purchased by readers in a given time period.

General Advertising

Paid Search

Also called search-engine marketing or pay-per-click advertising, paid search results appear at the top of search-engine results pages, appearing similar to organic results.

Digital Media & Advertising

Paid search

The practice of placing ads directly on search engine result pages (SERPs). Paid search ads can appear at the top and bottom of the SERPs and help drive qualified traffic for your business.

Media Platforms & Technology

Panel Data

Observations or conclusions about consumer behavior derived from a sample which is representative of a larger population. Often panel data is gathered through surveys or interviews. Panel data is less expensive than collecting first-party data, useful for directional information, and particularly suited for reaching broad audiences, like with a brand campaign or a new launch […]

Media Buying

Pass-Along Readership

Readers of a publication in addition to the initial buyer. Also called Secondary Audience.

Digital Media & Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC)

A payment method for advertising where advertisers pay each time someone clicks on their ad. PPC ads enable you to control your budget so you only pay when interested leads click on your ads.

Media Buying


The degree to which a media has coverage in a market. It can also refer to the effectiveness of a campaign’s impact on individuals or households.

Media Buying

Per Column Inch (PCI) Rate

Cost per column inch for print display advertising, mostly used for newspaper pricing.

Media Platforms & Technology

Performance Targeting

Its primary aim is to evoke an immediate response and compel prospects to take a specific action such as click, site visit, download, or purchase. This can employ different tactics including prospecting and retargeting. Also known as direct response advertising.

Media Platforms & Technology


Using consumer behavior to deliver more relevant experiences. In advertising, ad personalization looks at attributes such as web browsing behavior, interests, past purchases, and demographics to align relevant offers with the most relevant consumers. On top of reaching the right consumers, users increasingly expect brands to provide personalized creative experiences, so this can be paired […]

General Advertising


Personalization, also called retargeting, tracks a user’s internet-browsing behavior to deliver customized advertising. Cookies, for example, collect user information on websites. This information can be used to reach out to potential customers and to deliver ads to users after they leave a company’s website, to direct them back.

Media Platforms & Technology


The fraudulent practice of having a click purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.

Media Platforms & Technology

PII (Personally Identifiable Information)

This is short for personally identifiable information, which can identify a particular person, such as name, street address, Social Security number, credit card number, etc.

Media Platforms & Technology


Pieces of code that are placed on a website in order to gather valuable information about visitors to the site and their behaviors while on the site.

Media Buying


A unit of measurement used in the creation of digital advertisements.



Plugins are a type of software that extend functionality or add specific features to other software. WordPress has tons of plugins available from third-party developers that you can use on the website, from shopping to image galleries to contact forms, etc.

General Advertising


Podcasting is broadcasting audio shows via the internet and played back on mobile devices or computers, either downloaded or streamed. The word “podcast” is often cited as a portmanteau of “iPod” and “broadcast.”

Media Buying


The location of an advertisement on a page.


Post Type

A Post Type is a way to structure content on your website. For example, “blog” is a post type as is “staff” or “portfolio.” It’s an easy way to differentiate content, and often your theme will style post types according to their purpose. Using the same example, post types could be styled so a blog […]