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General Advertising Glossary

General Advertising

Net Neutrality

Net neutrality is the idea that internet service providers are required to provide equal access to all online content, without blocking some data or giving priority to others.

Media Buying

Net Paid Circulation

A term used by AAM for the circulation of a publication to indicate the number of copies sold per issue both in subscription and newsstands.

General Advertising

Network Affiliate

A network affiliate is a local TV or radio station that is not owned by a network but broadcasts much of a network’s same programming, via an agreement.

General Advertising


Run by the Interactive Advertising Bureau, the Digital Content NewFronts are events for companies to reveal upcoming programming and partner with media buyers to commit to ad deals months in advance. NewFronts target digital video rather than traditional TV. (See “upfronts.”)

Media Buying

Newspaper Syndicate

A company that sells special material such as features, photographs, comic strips, and cartoons to newspapers for print in their publications.

Media Platforms & Technology

Non-PII (Non-Personally Identifiable Information)

Information tied to a user that doesn’t reveal any sensitive information such as home address, name, or credit card number.

Media Platforms & Technology

Offline Sales Measurement

Also known as offline-to-online purchase measurement, this links online advertising to offline sales by measuring the lift in purchase from those exposed to a digital ad. Vendors such as Nielsen Catalina Solutions, Oracle, IRI, and Kantar Group collect offline purchase data (point-of-sales [POS], coupon, loyalty card, and panel data) and leverage their robust database technology […]

General Advertising

Omnichannel Marketing

Omnichannel marketing seeks to provide a consistent experience for customers across all channels, to include physical stores, phone calls and internet interactions.

General Advertising

Online Advertising

Online advertising utilizes websites, mobile apps and smart TVs, for example, as platforms for ads. Ads can take the form of banners, sponsored content, paid search results, social media and email, among others.

Media Platforms & Technology

Online Data Aggregator

Companies that establish relationships with a large number of publishers in order to gain insight into cookie users.

Media Platforms & Technology

Online Identity

A person’s online identifier that distinguishes demographic, psychographic, or behavioral elements of a person.

Media Buying

Open Rate

The highest advertising rate given to an advertiser before any discount can be earned; also called “one-time rate”.

Media Platforms & Technology

Opt-In Consent

Questions regarding a consumer’s interest in being tracked for advertising purposes by websites.

Media Platforms & Technology

Opt-In Tracking

Questions regarding a consumer’s interest in being tracked for advertising purposes by websites.

Media Platforms & Technology

Organic Conversion

A visitor to a website from an unpaid traffic source who performs a desired action, such as signing up for a new account, registering for an event, or downloading a PDF. Success is measured based on “organic conversion rate,” which is calculated based on the percentage of total visitors that convert.

General Advertising

Original Programming

Original programming is content that is created for the network or streaming service that is airing it, rather than content produced for one network or studio and then licensed to be shown again on another.

General Advertising


OTT, over-the-top, is media streamed via the Internet without needing a cable TV subscription, for example. OTT services take three forms: free and ad-supported, subscription-based and transactional.

General Advertising


Out-of-home advertising, also called outdoor advertising, is designed to reach consumers when they are not in their homes. Examples include billboards, bus shelters and traditional store signage.

General Advertising


Outdoor advertising, also called out-of-home advertising, is designed to reach consumers when they are not in their homes. Examples include billboards, bus shelters and traditional store signage.

Media Buying

Over The Top (OTT)

Video content that is delivered to a user via the internet rather than a traditional cable subscription.

General Advertising

Packaging Design

Packaging design is the creation of a product’s container, including the shape of the package and the text and graphics on it, to appeal to current and prospective purchasers.