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General Advertising Glossary

General Advertising

Media Strategy

A media strategy is an action plan designed to help businesses reach target audiences and increase the business’s conversion rate. The media strategy is informed by marketing budget and measurable goals.

General Advertising

Messaging Platform

A messaging platform is a system on the internet that is used to exchange human communications. A messaging platform can be a website or an app used socially or for business (e.g., Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, etc.).

General Advertising


Millennials are a generational cohort born between 1981-1996. This cohort is believed to remember and have an understanding of the historical significance of 9/11 in its youth, came of age and entered the workforce during economic recession and is the most racially and ethnically diverse adult generation in U.S. history.

Digital Media & Advertising

Mobile ads

Ads that advertisers design to appear only on mobile devices.

Media Platforms & Technology

Mobile Ads

Ads displayed on mobile browsers or apps on smartphones and tablets. These can include: mobile web (which are just display ad units displayed within the mobile browser), mobile app (often larger units customized to and displayed on apps on your mobile device), and, mobile video (which allows for advertisers to run video ads on mobile […]

General Advertising

Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising refers to ads served on mobile devices, such as smartphones. Mobile advertising makes use of traditional online advertising, via banners and videos, but can also utilize location in apps and social media.

General Advertising

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are software programs that are downloaded and run on mobile devices. Apps can serve myriad purposes: social media, maps, games, purchasing and many others.

Media Buying

Mobile Delivery

Digital ads that are served while a user is engaging an app on their mobile device or visiting a website via an internet browser on their mobile device.

General Advertising

Mobile Gaming

Mobile gaming is playing video games on mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets or smartwatches. They can be done solo or with multiple players. Some mobile gaming involves augmented reality, like Pokemon Go.

General Advertising

Mobile World Congress

Mobile World Congress, abbreviated MWC, hosts large exhibitions across the world focusing on mobile technology: operators, manufacturers, technology providers and vendors.

Media Platforms & Technology


An audience profile based on observed activity, created to understand your audience, set objectives, and facilitate achievement of those objectives. Models are different, depending on what you are training them to achieve. For example, a model could be created based on purchasing activity from your website, helping you to reach an audience exhibiting similar behaviors; […]

General Advertising


Monetization is utilizing existing website traffic or app users to produce revenue, often via ads or affiliate links. Influencers monetize their social media profiles and followings, for example.

Media Platforms & Technology

Monthly Uniques

The number of original visits to a website by a given cookie or browser throughout the month, regardless of how often they visit.

Media Platforms & Technology

Multi-Touch Attribution

The analytic technique that assigns multiple partners credit for a conversion based on a consumer’s exposure to an ad prior to the conversion.

General Advertising

Multichannel Network (MCN)

Multichannel networks, or MCNs, are third-party service providers that connect with many YouTube channels to aid their audience metrics, programming, monetization and other services for fees.

General Advertising

Multicultural Marketing

Multicultural marketing uses languages and traditions of various cultures within a region to communicate and advertise.

General Advertising

Multiplatform Campaign

A multiplatform campaign seeks to reach its goals and share its messages by using many digital and social platforms.

Digital Media & Advertising

Native ads

Native ads appear on websites where the ad content and the content surrounding it are similar. The goal is for ads to blend into the content and have users clicking on the ads without even realizing they’re ads.

Media Platforms & Technology

Native Ads

Native ads are paid ads that match the look and feel of the website, app, or social network on which the ad is displayed. This facilitates seamless blending of the ad into the content of the page. The advantage of native ads is that they are more likely to be trusted content and clicked on […]

Media Buying

Native Advertising

Digital content from an advertiser that positions them as a subject matter expert and reads like an editorial piece.

General Advertising

Native Advertising

Native advertising is paid media that mimics the user experience of the website or app on which it is used, blending into surroundings to look like the publisher’s content.