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Media Buying Glossary

Media Buying

First Refusal

The right of an advertiser to have the first choice in continuing sponsorship of a program or position before it is offered to another advertiser.

Media Platforms & Technology

First-Party Cookies

Information generated by a website and stored by your browser, to help understand users’ online behaviors. First-party cookies are markers placed on a website by the website itself.

Media Platforms & Technology

First-Party Data

Information directly collected from a company’s own source on consumers’ behaviors, actions, or interests, so it’s “owned” by a single source. This can include a brand’s customer database, website visits or actions on their website, and other points of engagement collected on customers. This data is considered the most valuable.

Media Buying

Fixed Position

An advertising placement that remains fixed over time (front cover of a section).

Media Buying

Flat Rate

A print advertising rate that does not offer a discount.

Media Buying


A scheduling technique for advertising buys.

Media Platforms & Technology

Foot Traffic Attribution

Connects online ad exposure to offline in‐store visits. This is an increasingly popular measurement option for brick-and-mortar retailers and quick-serve-restaurants (QSRs) whose ultimate goal is to drive consumers into their storefronts. Foot traffic attribution measures incremental sales lift by comparing the number of individuals who were both exposed to a digital ad and entered a […]

Digital Media & Advertising


For Position Only – this is not the final content, but its dimensions are accurate

Media Buying

Fractional Page

Print advertising space that is less than a full-page.

Media Buying

Free Circulation

A publication sent to customers without their need to pay for it.

Media Platforms & Technology


The number of times a person must be exposed to an advertising message, in order to drive the desired outcome. Frequency is calculated as the number of delivered impressions per unique user. It’s important to note that multiple exposures to an ad over an extended period of time is more likely to shift a subject’s […]

Media Buying


The number of times that an individual is exposed to an advertisement or campaign or the number of times an ad is scheduled for placement.

Media Buying

Frequency Cap

A limit to the number of times an individual user will be shown a particular digital advertisement within a given time frame.

Digital Media & Advertising

Frequency capping

The act of limiting the number of times a user views the same ad within a specific time period.

Media Platforms & Technology

Frequency Caps

Advertisers can set the frequency that a user is shown an ad at the flight level, with the goal of slowly showcasing a brand over a long period of time. This drives brand lift.

Media Buying

Frequency Discount

A discounted advertising rate that is given by media to advertisers for placing multiple ad placements within a given time frame.

Media Platforms & Technology

Frequency Targeting

Advertisers can set the frequency that a user is shown an ad (or campaign variants) at the flight level, with the goal of slowly showcasing a brand over a long period of time. This drives brand lift.

Digital Media & Advertising


The number of times a specific customer views the same ad within a set time. Ad frequency is calculated by looking at the number of views the ad received in a particular device’s browser.

General Advertising


Gamification is including gaming elements in marketing strategies to include improving skills via playing and potentially winning a prize. Gamification is meant to increase audience engagement with a brand.

General Advertising


GDPR, short for General Data Protection Regulation, is a European Union law governing digital data collection, use and storage. It took effect in May 2018. GDPR is intended to protect individuals’ data privacy and requires that companies within the EU clearly explain how personal data is collected and used. EU citizens can object to their […]

General Advertising

Gen Z

Gen Z is the demographic cohort that follows millennials. Born starting in 1995, this generation is marked by drive to succeed, pursuit of social equality and belief that brands should stand up for causes, among other traits.