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Digital Media & Advertising Glossary

This is the glossary for the Digital Advertising category of the advertising industry

Digital Media & Advertising

Geographic targeting

Choosing an audience for a campaign based on geographic variables like cities, states, and zip codes.

Digital Media & Advertising


The title that appears at the top of your landing page once someone clicks on your ad. Your heading tells users what to expect on the landing page.

Digital Media & Advertising


The total number of times an ad is shown to users. Impressions are counted regardless of whether people click on it.

Digital Media & Advertising

Internal Links

Internal links go from one page on a website to another page on the same website. These links help guide people to relevant pages.

Digital Media & Advertising

Key performance indicator (KPI)

The metric or metrics you want to use to measure the success of a campaign. You choose KPIs based on the ultimate goals of the campaign.

Digital Media & Advertising

Keyword research

The process of using data to determine what keywords users search when trying to find your business. Keyword research helps you identify the right terms to target your ads and reach the right people.

Digital Media & Advertising


A word or phrase relevant to a topic that advertisers choose to target to reach people who are likely to search those terms. If a user searches a keyword, ads targeting those keywords will appear in search results.

Digital Media & Advertising

Landing page

Pages explicitly built for advertisers to take users to once they click on a paid search or display ad. To get the best results from an advertising campaign, a custom landing page works best for keeping leads focused.

Digital Media & Advertising


Someone who expresses an explicit interest in the products or services you offer. Leads are often people who give you their contact information through a form submission on your website.

Digital Media & Advertising

Mobile ads

Ads that advertisers design to appear only on mobile devices.

Digital Media & Advertising

Native ads

Native ads appear on websites where the ad content and the content surrounding it are similar. The goal is for ads to blend into the content and have users clicking on the ads without even realizing they’re ads.

Digital Media & Advertising

Paid search

The practice of placing ads directly on search engine result pages (SERPs). Paid search ads can appear at the top and bottom of the SERPs and help drive qualified traffic for your business.

Digital Media & Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC)

A payment method for advertising where advertisers pay each time someone clicks on their ad. PPC ads enable you to control your budget so you only pay when interested leads click on your ads.



Plugins are a type of software that extend functionality or add specific features to other software. WordPress has tons of plugins available from third-party developers that you can use on the website, from shopping to image galleries to contact forms, etc.


Post Type

A Post Type is a way to structure content on your website. For example, “blog” is a post type as is “staff” or “portfolio.” It’s an easy way to differentiate content, and often your theme will style post types according to their purpose. Using the same example, post types could be styled so a blog […]

Digital Media & Advertising

Premium ad inventory:

Ads in which the data suggests they work well and are thus deemed high quality. Premium ad inventory will be a higher price than other inventory.

Digital Media & Advertising

Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising is the process of automating online ad management through artificial intelligence (AI) to automate and expedite the ad buying and selling process.

Digital Media & Advertising

Programmatic marketing

Programmatic marketing is an advanced marketing strategy that uses automated, real-time bidding to purchase ad inventory and allows you to advertise to specific users in a specific context resulting in hyper-targeted and effective ads.

Digital Media & Advertising


Any website that puts out content. They often get paid for the traffic they bring in by selling ads on their site.

Digital Media & Advertising


Percentage of the advertiser’s intended audience exposed to at least one of the advertiser’s display ads.

Digital Media & Advertising


The practice of targeting users who visited your website and left without buying via display ads on other websites. The display ad usually shows the last item browsed or an item recently put in the cart for checkout.