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Media Buying Glossary

Media buying is the process of purchasing ad space and time on digital and offline platforms, such as websites, YouTube, radio, and TV. A media buyer is also responsible for negotiating with publishers for ad inventory, managing budgets, and optimizing ads to improve campaign performance.

Media Buying


An acronym for cyan, magenta, yellow and black – the four ink colors used in full-color printing.

Media Buying

Column Inch

Publication space that is one column wide by one-inch high, used as a measure of advertising space. Column inches are used to determine the cost of ads.

Media Buying

Combination Rate

A discounted advertising rate offered to advertisers for buying advertising space in two or more publications owned by the same company.

Media Buying

Connected TV

Video content that is delivered to a user via the internet rather than a traditional cable subscription.

Media Buying

Cooperative advertising (Co-Op)

Retail advertising that is paid partly or fully by a manufacturer when set guidelines are followed (slang “co-op”). Co-op advertising may only be available at limited times of the year and on certain products.

Media Buying

Corporate Discounting

Rate discounts offered to advertisers with numerous brands of products; all of the corporation’s advertising buys are combined for a larger discount level.

Media Buying

Cost Per Click (CPC)

The total cost of the campaign divided by the total number of clicks.

Media Buying

Cost Per Rating Point (Cost Per Point, CPP, Cost Per GRP)

The cost of advertising to reach one percentage point of the target group, audience, or population in a given market or geographic area.

Media Buying

Cost Per Thousand (CPM)

The cost of every 1,000 digital ad impressions purchased.

Media Buying

Cover Position

Advertising on the cover of a publication, often at a premium cost due to limited availability. Cover positions can include front cover, inside front cover, inside back cover, outside back cover or section cover.

Media Buying

Coverage Area

The geography of where a media has coverage. In print, the coverage area equates to the circulation area.

Media Buying

Cume (Cumulative Audience)

The total number of individuals or households reached by an advertising campaign at least once during the media buy.

Media Buying


The final date and time for accepting final buy to meet a publication schedule.

Media Buying

Desktop Delivery

Digital ads that are served on a traditional desktop computer or laptop device.

Media Buying

Direct Mail Advertising

Any printed material sent via mail directly to target customers.

Media Buying

Display Advertising

Print advertisement that is placed outside of classified advertising. Display ads can range from small to the full size of the print page. Ads generally contain typeset copy, graphics, and design to attract customer interest. The size of the ad is based on the number of columns wide by the number of inches tall.

Media Buying


An advertisement designed to promote a heavy volume of response/foot traffic for a special event or short-term sale.

Media Buying

Dots Per Inch (dpi)

The number of electronic dots per inch that a printer can print affecting resolution. The higher the dpi, the higher the resolution.

Media Buying

Double Truck

A large newspaper ad measurement that uses two facing full pages, including the gutter or fold. The entire ad is treated as one unit and is traditionally the center spread of the section.

Media Buying


An electronic tear sheet – an electronic image of a newspaper page used to prove proof of publication.

Media Buying


A promotional email sent to targeted opt-in users where the client owns the entire message and appears as the sender.