
Author: WAV


Wallet Address

also known as a public key, this is an alphanumeric code that serves as the address for a blockchain wallet, similar to a bank account number. Other users can send digital assets to your wallet via your public key, but only you can access your wallet’s contents by using the corresponding private key.

Film & Broadcast


Shining a light on an object, then slowing turning the light away so that some of the light will miss or fall off the object. (Lighting)

Project Management

Waterfall methodology

Waterfall is another approach to project management in which a project is completed in distinct step-by-step stages. The next stage cannot be started until the one previous is complete. Gantt charts are one visualization option for waterfall.



We are Volume is a Digital Agency that provides services for All Things Digital to the Creative Industry. Head on over to We Are Volume and let’s partner on your next production.

Film & Broadcast


A regular variation in electrical signal level or sound pressure level. (Sound/Electronics)

General Advertising


Wearables, short for wearable technology, are gadgets, such as fitness trackers and smartwatches, that people wear and that measure and report data like heart rate, calories burned and number of steps taken.


Web analytics

A set of strategic methodologies to collect, measure, analyze, and report website data to understand the behavior of visitors and customers so you can optimize the site experience and improve conversion.



the first iteration of the web, commonly referred to as the “read-only web.” Web1 was characterized by static websites that displayed information. There was little to no user interaction or user-generated content.



starting in the 90s, the “read-write web” is characterized by user-generated content and improved user interfaces. This led to the creation of blogs and social media platforms, as well as sites like Wikipedia and YouTube. Web2 placed more emphasis on user experience and interoperability between different applications and websites, giving us the vast network of […]



the next iteration of the web being ushered in as we speak, which leverages blockchain technology, open-source applications, and the decentralization of data and information. Web3 aims to remove control of the web from monopolistic tech companies, and return ownership of data and content to its users. Also referred to as the “read-write-trust web.”

Social Media Marketing


An online seminar or presentation that is live-streamed or pre-recorded by a company, team, or individual to educate the audience on a topic is called a webinar. Post webinars on Twitter and LinkedIn for effective lead generation and to build brand credibility.

Film & Broadcast


Wood wedges cut from 2×4 lumber which is used for leveling and stablizing. (Grip)



the smallest denomination of ether, named after cypherpunk and cryptocurrency pioneer, Wei Dai. 10^18 gwei = 1 ether.

Film & Broadcast

Western Dolly

A plywood dolly, with four large soft tires, which is used as a camera dolly on smooth floors or on plywood. It is also used to transport other equipment. (Camera/Grip)

Film & Broadcast


A section of feeder cable siamesed off the main line to a secondary location. (Grip/Lighting)

Film & Broadcast

White noise

A signal having an equal amount of energy per hertz.

Email Marketing


Instead of listing IP addresses to block, a whitelist includes IP addresses that have been approved to deliver email to a recipient.

Film & Broadcast


A general term for film presentation in which a film is shown in an aspect ratio of greater than 1.33 to 1. In today’s terms, this now means in an aspect ratio of greater than 1.85 to 1.



Widgets are small components that display specific information or perform a specific function. Some examples are a list of blog categories, a calendar, a weather app, tag clouds, search or socials. There are tons of things widgets can do! In WordPress, widgets are used to add content and features to your Widget Areas such as […]

Film & Broadcast

Wild Line

A line of dialoge, recorded either on set or at a looping stage, without any picture running.

Film & Broadcast

Wild Track

Audio elements that are not recorded synchronously with the picture.