
Author: WAV


UBP (Unique Buying Proposition)

A distinctive and intentional brand position in customers’ minds that is encouraged by brand awareness. It answers the question, “How does this product or service uniquely meet my needs?” and can encompass product features, emotional/lifestyle benefits and other qualities. UBP is the reason customers choose a product over competitors.

Website Development

UI (User Interface)

a means to control the interaction between user and computer with a textual/graphical/auditory interface.

Film & Broadcast

Ultrasonic Cleaner

A device used to clean film without pressure or abrasion. (Laboratory)

Film & Broadcast


Music that provides emotional or atmospheric background to the primary dialog or narration onscreen.

Digital Media & Advertising

Unique visitor

The number of individual users that have been to a site. If the same user visits a site three times, it is only counted as one unique visitor.

Agile Methodology

Unit Testing

A unit test is a short program fragment written and maintained by the developers on the product team, which exercises some narrow part of the product’s source code and checks the results.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Unit Testing

A testing strategy in which the smallest unit of testable code is isolated from the rest of the software and tested to determine if it functions properly.


Unpack this

I don’t understand what you just said, so please slow it down and explain it to me like i am a child. For example, “I want a website” Well let’s open and remove the contents of (a suitcase, bag, or package) that high level statement you just made and talk details – how many pages? […]

Film & Broadcast

Unsqueezed Print

A print in which the distorted image of an anamorphic negative has been corrected for normal projection.


Up Only

a tongue-in-cheek saying, implying that a cryptocurrency or other asset can only increase in value. This is used to voice one’s bullish stance on an asset, although it may also be used sarcastically.

General Advertising


An upfront is an event for networks to reveal their upcoming programming and for media buyers to commit to ad deals several months in advance.



Upselling is a technique to offer customers an opportunity to upgrade a purchase or to buy a more expensive version of a product to maximize the value of the purchase for the seller. Learn more about upselling to customers here.

Agile Methodology

Usability Testing

Usability testing is an empirical, exploratory technique to answer questions such as “how would an end user respond to our software under realistic conditions?”

Project Management

Use case

A situation in which a product may be useful. For instance, a reader needing a quick definition for a specific project management term would be a use case for this blog post.

Development Operations (DevOps)

User Acceptance Test

The final phase of software testing where clients and end users determine whether the program will work for the end-user in real world scenarios. This stage is also known as beta testing.

Website Development

User experience (UX)

The interaction a user has with an interface. From a planning perspective, the user experience is typically defined in wireframes, but every aspect of the web design and development process—from wireframing and copywriting to design and programming—affects the user experience.

General Advertising

User Experience (UX)

User experience, or UX, involves the entirety of an end-user’s interaction with a company and its products and services, especially via a website or computer program. UX includes all of interface, design, usability and other human-computer interaction and is not limited to one of these.

Digital Media & Advertising

User experience (UX)

UX is the practice of understanding user needs and creating online experiences that provide a good experience for users. With UX, you focus on delivering an experience that keeps users happy and engaged.

Social Media Marketing

User Generated Content

Blogs, videos, photos, quotes, memes, and other content that is created by users and fans are called user generated content. Post UGC campaigns on a particular topic that is trending to spark conversations and drive more engagement from users.

Digital Media & Advertising

User intent

What an online user wants to find by entering their search query.


User Roles and Permissions

User Roles are a way to differentiate people accessing your website. You as the site own will typically be an Super Administrator, but there are other roles for Admins, Editors, Authors, Contributors and Subscribers (you can learn more about managing your WordPress user roles in our guide). Permissions are security settings that are assigned to […]