
Author: WAV


Shopping cart

A virtual representation of a shopping cart that lists the items that a customer has identified for purchase on your website. Learn about recovering abandoned cart revenue here.

Media Buying

Shopping Newspaper

A newspaper-like publication that is predominately advertising and often distributed free to shoppers or to households (slang “shopper”).

Media Buying

Short Rate

Money that is owed to a media by an advertiser to compensate for the shortfall difference in revenue between what was purchased and what was contracted.



Shortcodes are essentially macros, or sets of programming instructions designed to do things automatically, leading to reduced time and effort on your part (and no need for coding, either). In other words, shortcodes are shortcuts. In WordPress blogs, some themes contain shortcodes that you can use to format your content – for example, to add […]

Film & Broadcast

Shotgun Mic

A highly directional microphone, usually with a long, tubular body; used by the production sound mixer on location or on the set for film and television productions.

You're on Mute

Should Netflix have an Ad Based Model?

The You’re on Mute crew gets into an off topic conversation about Netflix offering a cheaper subscription with an ad supported model. The streaming wars have been heating up for years. Initially, it was Netflix‘s game, as the popular service effectively defined streaming as we now know it before anyone even tried to compete. But […]

Film & Broadcast


A white artists’ cardboard which is used as a reflector or for making other special rigs. It is easily cut and formed. (Grip/Lighting)

Film & Broadcast


A splitter that divides a power line into two parts. (Grip/Lighting)

Film & Broadcast


An exaggerated hissing in voice patterns. (Post Production)



Sidebars show supporting content on a post or page.



a parallel blockchain used to offload transactions from the main chain in order to increase scalability or add other functionality. Sidechains are connected to their main chain, or parent chain, via a two-way link which allows data and assets to be seamlessly transferred.

Film & Broadcast


A device which cuts the light from the side of a lighting unit, usually a flag or a cutter. (Grip/Lighting)

Film & Broadcast

Sight Line

An imaginary line that is drawn between a subject and the object that he/she is looking at.

Agile Methodology

Sign Up for Tasks

Members of an Agile development team normally choose which tasks to work on, rather than being assigned work by a manager.

Film & Broadcast


The form of variation with time of a wave whereby information is conveyed in some form whether it is acoustic or electronic.

Film & Broadcast

Signal to Noise Ratio

This is the ratio of the desired signal to the unwanted noise in an audio or video record/playback system.

Email Marketing

Signature File

A tagline or short block of text at the end of an email message that identifies the sender and provides additional information such as company name, physical address, and contact information.

Film & Broadcast


A lighting diffusion or reflective material, formerly real silk. (Grip/Lighting)

Social Media Management


Channels of communication that prevent collaboration or the re-use of resources. The most commonly talked about silo is email because the information shared within emails is only accessible to those on the mailing list, not the entire organization/community.

Agile Methodology

Simple Design

A team adopting the “simple design” practice bases its software design strategy on a set of “simple design” principles.

Film & Broadcast


A shot with only one subject in the frame. (Production)