
Author: WAV

Social Media Marketing


Improving the volume and quality of website traffic from search engines is called SEO. Increase your SEO ranking by posting frequent and consistent social media content enriched with the right keywords.

Media Platforms & Technology


Short for Search Engine Optimization, this is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to a website through organic search engine results to give higher rankings in search engine result pages (SERPS) for increased visibility.



This acronym is short for Search Engine Optimization. Basically, SEO is making sure your website shows up in search results instead of being lost in the ether – which means more site visitors. You can improve your WordPress SEO by using relevant tags, categories and keywords in your posts and headlines, and by writing headlines […]


SEO Friendly URL Slugs

A slug is the part of the URL that contains the name of the post. It’s often just a few words long, intended to describe what the post is about. WordPress automatically uses the post’s title as the slug, but you can edit the slug if necessary.

Film & Broadcast


The hardware or software based brain of a MIDI studio. It receives, stores and plays back MIDI information in a desired sequence.



meaning “sir,” a common intentional misspelling used in crypto circles

Website Development


Stands for Search Engine Results Pages. These are the pages served up to users when they query a search term in a search engine, such as Google.


Service Brand

A brand that is centered on people and customer service interactions, rather than products. Examples: Starbucks, Southwest Airlines.

Film & Broadcast

Set Dressing

Items of decoration which are not designated in the script or by the director as part of specific action. (Production)

Film & Broadcast

Set Up

Each discrete position of the camera, excluding those in which a dolly or crane is used to move the camera during filming. (Production)

General Advertising

Set-Top Box

A set-top box, abbreviated STB and often called a cable box, is hardware that enables digital signals to be displayed as programming on a TV. STBs can be used for various signal sources, including cable, satellite and internet.



SHA stands for Secure Hashing Algorithm, a set of cryptographic hashing functions designed by the NSA. Essentially, SHA-256 takes an input of data and generates a long sequence of letters and numbers, called a hash. This hash is then used as a secure placeholder for the data it represents.



a method of separating a network’s nodes out into smaller groups (shards) in an attempt to increase scalability. These shards are then able to reach consensus on behalf of the entire network, removing the need for every node to process every transaction.

Media Buying

Share of Voice

The percentage of advertising a client owns during a specific set of time relative to all available inventory.

Social Media Marketing

Shareable Content

A piece of content that evokes strong emotions and reactions, and that is more likely to be shared by users, is called shareable content. Post shareable content on social media and then trust the users to boost their virality and reach.

Email Marketing

Shared IP

A less costly option than a dedicated IP address, it is an IP address from which many people send emails.



the act of heavily promoting a cryptocurrency, stock, or other asset in an effort to increase adoption and, in turn, raise its price. This is usually done via spamming on social media, and generally carries a negative connotation. A person who performs the act of shilling may also be referred to as a shill.

Film & Broadcast

Shiny Boards

A grip reflector used for reaiming sunlight to provide a key or fill light. (Grip/Lighting)



Shipping is the transfer of a product from a seller’s warehouse to a customer’s delivery address.



a cryptocurrency with weak fundamentals and little to no use case.

General Advertising

Shopper Marketing

Shopper marketing is a strategy aimed at understanding purchasers’ experiences, habits and perceptions as they make their purchases.