
Author: WAV

Media Platforms & Technology


Data signals that are delivered immediately after they are received, without delay.

Media Platforms & Technology

Real-Time Bidding (RTB)

Bidding or buying inventory in real time. Advertising buyers bid on an impression and, if the bid is won, the buyer’s ad is (nearly) instantly displayed on the publisher’s site, without the user being aware of the auction.

Social Media Marketing

Real-Time Marketing

The strategy that helps marketers to engage with users instantly based on breaking news and information is called real-time marketing. Publish timely news feeds to garner engagement via shares, comments, and likes.

General Advertising

Real-Time Response

Real-time response is the actual time during which a relevant answer is generated, generally the quicker the better.

Social Media Marketing

Real-Time Search

Indexing social network content into search engines, as and when it is published, is called real-time search.

General Advertising


Rebranding is changing one or many aspects of an existing corporate image. This can include a name change, new logo, updated slogan, etc. Rebranding is often done in response to a change in company practices, customer needs or even mistakes in the original branding.



The act of updating or revising a brand. The decision often follows a merger, acquisition, or realization that the company has evolved and its brand is no longer compatible with its identity. Rebranding may consider a change in target audience, how the brand’s internal and external circumstances have shifted and competitors’ positioning.



A Receipt is a document that proves payment was made. A business produces receipts when it provides its product or service and it receives receipts when it pays for goods and services from other businesses. Received receipts should be saved according to IRS receipts requirements, and catalogued so that a company can prove that its […]


Recurring payment

A transaction wherein a customer authorizes an online store to automatically charge a credit card for regular delivery of products or services.

Film & Broadcast


An open faced 1K lighting unit. Also known as a ‘Mickey’. (Lighting)

Film & Broadcast

Reduction Printing

The production of a copy of a film which is of a smaller size or gauge than the original (i.e. 35mm to 16mm). This is done of an optical printer. (Laboratory)

Agile Methodology


Refactoring consists of improving the internal structure of an existing program’s source code, while preserving its external behavior.

General Advertising

Regional Agency

Regional agencies tend to serve nearby clients, offering local knowledge and understanding of life and culture. Nearby clients are not necessarily small businesses; some regional agencies represent nationwide companies that are headquartered in their areas.

Media Buying

Regional Edition

A national publication’s geographic-specific section that provides circulation in a certain geographic area.

Print Media

Regional Edition

An edition of a national publication’s circulation that falls in a certain geographic area for which advertising may be purchased separately, usually at a cost premium.

Website Development


The company used to register your domain name. Some examples include GoDaddy or Network Solutions.

Film & Broadcast

Relational Editing

Editing of shots for the purposes of comparison or for the contrast of content. (Film Editing)

Agile Methodology

Relative Estimation

Relative estimation consists of estimating tasks or user stories by comparison or by grouping of items of equivalent difficulty.

Film & Broadcast


The general distribution of a film for public exhibition.

Film & Broadcast

Release negative

A duplicate negative from which release prints are made. (Film Editing)

Print Media

Remnant Space

Magazine space sold at reduced prices at the last minute when another advertiser’s materials do not arrive or to fill out regional editions.