
Author: WAV

Media Buying


The degree to which a media has coverage in a market. It can also refer to the effectiveness of a campaign’s impact on individuals or households.

Media Buying

Per Column Inch (PCI) Rate

Cost per column inch for print display advertising, mostly used for newspaper pricing.


Per my last email

In case you suddenly forgot how to read

Out of Home (OOH)

Percent Composition

The percent of the total audience for a display or schedule that a brand target demographic group comprise.

Media Platforms & Technology

Performance Targeting

Its primary aim is to evoke an immediate response and compel prospects to take a specific action such as click, site visit, download, or purchase. This can employ different tactics including prospecting and retargeting. Also known as direct response advertising.

Social Media Marketing


A web address or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of a particular post that will remain unchanged for many years into the future is called a permalink. Use them as content hyperlinks, as they are less likely to corrupt or rot.

WordPress CMS

Permalink or Slug

A permalink (short for “permanent link”) is the URL for a blog post or web page. When you share posts or pages with other people, the permalink is the web address that you’re sharing. You can checkout our blog post to learn more about improving permalinks.

Email Marketing


Adding elements to your email that are personalized based on information you already know about them. It could refer to addressing the recipient by name, referencing past purchases, or other content unique to each recipient.

Media Platforms & Technology


Using consumer behavior to deliver more relevant experiences. In advertising, ad personalization looks at attributes such as web browsing behavior, interests, past purchases, and demographics to align relevant offers with the most relevant consumers. On top of reaching the right consumers, users increasingly expect brands to provide personalized creative experiences, so this can be paired […]

General Advertising


Personalization, also called retargeting, tracks a user’s internet-browsing behavior to deliver customized advertising. Cookies, for example, collect user information on websites. This information can be used to reach out to potential customers and to deliver ads to users after they leave a company’s website, to direct them back.



Personas (a.k.a. customer personas) describe an audience segment’s occupation, desires, actions, beliefs and anything that might influence their behavior with a brand; extending beyond demographics to psychographic motivators. include This creates a consistent understanding of the audience for stakeholders during brand positioning and targeted communications.

Agile Methodology


Personas are synthetic biographies of fictitious users of the future product.



profile picture, usually referring to one of an NFT

Film & Broadcast

Phantom Power

A method of remotely powering the preamplifier or impedance converter which is buitlt into many microphones by sending a voltage along the audio cable. (Audio)

Film & Broadcast


The timing relationship between two signals. (Audio/Electronics)

Film & Broadcast

Phase Distortion

This is a shifting of output voltage relative to input by an amount which is disproportional to frequency. This will not detectable until it an amplifier. (Acoustics)

Film & Broadcast

Phase shift

The displacement of a waveform in time. Some electrical components introduce phase shift into a signal. When various frequencies are displaced differently, distortion occurs. Electrical cancellation may occur when two equal signals are out of phase by 1~3()¡. However, this may also be used are a encoding method where the shift is removed on playback […]

Media Platforms & Technology


The fraudulent practice of having a click purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.

Website Development


PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language used to form dynamic web pages, fast. A great choice for both front and back end developers to add to their arsenal (but especially the latter), it’s behind such web giants as WordPress and Facebook. PHP makes it quick and easy to expand web apps and run websites that […]

Email Marketing

Physical Address

The physical, street address of the company sending the email, usually found in the footer of an email. Its inclusion is a legal requirement for all email marketing.

Film & Broadcast

Pick-up Shot

Reshooting a portion of a scene, the rest of which was acceptably filmed in a previous take.