
Author: WAV

General Advertising

Multiplatform Campaign

A multiplatform campaign seeks to reach its goals and share its messages by using many digital and social platforms.

Film & Broadcast


An audio tape recorder capable of handling more than two tracks of information separately.

Film & Broadcast

Musco Lights

An array of permanently crane mounted HMI lights. (Lighting)

Website Development


A minimum viable product (MVP) is a version of a product with just enough features to be usable by early customers who can then provide feedback for future product development. A focus on releasing an MVP means that developers potentially avoid lengthy and (ultimately) unnecessary work.

Project Management


An MVP doesn’t have the most goals in a season. MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product, meaning a version of a software product that has enough features to satisfy a customer need and generate feedback for future development. While mostly used in software development, MVPs can be created for other projects, too.


Name, Descriptive

A company that descriptively conveys the characteristics of its services without being specific to its brand story. Descriptive names do not allow for easy recall in a consumer’s mind because they can be applied to any company offering similar services. Examples: Pacific Gas & Electric and


Name, Evocative

A brand name that suggests an association with an underlying benefit or conveys the positioning of the brand. Evocative names conjure emotions, imagery, metaphors and experiences in the mind of the consumer. Examples: Starbucks, Patagonia and Nike.


Name, Experiential

A brand name that describes the experience a customer will have with the brand. Examples: Pivot, Agility and Safari.


Name, Generic

A brand name that describes an entire category of products or services and provides little differentiation. Examples: Waster Management, and News Corp.


Name, Invented

An original brand name that is invented and has no linguistic definition or meaning. Examples: Twitter, Accenture, Google.

Social Media Management

Narrative Development

Developing and bringing together written, graphic and/or multimedia elements into strong, simple storylines that help people understand and put information in context.

Media Platforms & Technology

Native Ads

Native ads are paid ads that match the look and feel of the website, app, or social network on which the ad is displayed. This facilitates seamless blending of the ad into the content of the page. The advantage of native ads is that they are more likely to be trusted content and clicked on […]

Digital Media & Advertising

Native ads

Native ads appear on websites where the ad content and the content surrounding it are similar. The goal is for ads to blend into the content and have users clicking on the ads without even realizing they’re ads.

Media Buying

Native Advertising

Digital content from an advertiser that positions them as a subject matter expert and reads like an editorial piece.

General Advertising

Native Advertising

Native advertising is paid media that mimics the user experience of the website or app on which it is used, blending into surroundings to look like the publisher’s content.

Social Media Marketing

Native Advertising

Displaying paid content to users in a way that looks organic is called native advertising. Use more native ads than display ads, as they garner higher impressions and conversion rates.

Website Development


The navigational elements that appear on a website and direct the user throughout the site. While this primarily refers to the “menu bar” located at the top of a website or along either side, it can also include textual links in the “footer” at the bottom of the page.

Film & Broadcast


( 1) For a black-and-white image those tonal values which are the opposite of those in the original subject. (2) For a color image, those color values which are the complement of those in the original subject. (Film Editing)


Net Income (NI)

Net Income is the dollar amount that is earned in profits. It is calculated by taking Revenue and subtracting all of the Expenses in a given period, including COGS, Overhead, Depreciation, and Taxes.


Net Margin

Net Margin is the percent amount that illustrates the profit of a company in relation to its Revenue. It is calculated by taking Net Income and dividing it by Revenue for a given period.

General Advertising

Net Neutrality

Net neutrality is the idea that internet service providers are required to provide equal access to all online content, without blocking some data or giving priority to others.