
Author: WAV

Film & Broadcast


Analog-to-Digital Converter. An electronic device used at the input of digital audio equipment to convert analog electrical signals to digital values whose numbers represent the level and frequency information contained in the original analog signal. (Sound)

Film & Broadcast

Address Track

A control/timing track on the edge of videotape which contains control data for quick and accurate location of program material.


Address verification service (AVS)

A service that credit card processors implement to verify that the billing addresses of your customers match the addresses on their credit card statements.

General Advertising

Addressable TV

Addressable TV is technology that allows advertisers to show different ads to different audiences within the same TV program. Audiences can be segmented by geography, demographics or other qualifiers.

Social Media Marketing


It is a social bookmarking tool that can bookmark or share content from Facebook, Google Bookmarks, Pinterest, and Twitter. These buttons will increase referral traffic and overall website performance.

Film & Broadcast


Automatic Dialog Replacement. Also known as “looping.” A process of re-recording dialog in the studio in synchronization with the picture.

Print Media

Advertising Checking Bureau (ACB)

A company which provides advertisers and agencies with newspaper tear sheets of ads which have run.

Media Buying

Advertising Impressions

The audience delivery of media vehicles, programs or schedules. Usually expressed as thousands (000).

Media Buying

Advertising Weight

The measure of advertising support for an item/brand over a period of time, expressed in gross rating points, impressions, target audience reached, etc.

Media Buying


A print advertisement that is deliberately intended to resemble editorial matter or story in a newspaper or magazine.

Film & Broadcast

Aerial Shot

An extremely high angle view of a subject usually taken from a crane or a high stationary camera position, but may also refer to a shot taken from an actual airplane or helicopter. (Production).

Media Buying


A formal sworn statement of fact, signed by someone who can verify this fact, and witnessed by someone such as a notary public. For newspapers, this is often used to prove that an insert or legal notice has run in a paper as scheduled.

Media Platforms & Technology

Affiliate Marketing

Businesses hire affiliates to promote their product(s) and compensate those affiliates for each customer the affiliate brings in.


Affiliate marketing

A marketing strategy in which your ecommerce business partners with online publishers so that they will promote and endorse your products and send customers to your website. Typically, the affiliate receives a fee for every website visitor or sale generated from the promotion.

Media Buying

Agate Line

A unit of measurement for newspaper advertising which measures one column wide with 14 agate lines per inch (each equal to 1.81 millimeter or 0.07 of an inch).

General Advertising

Agency Network

An agency network is a group of independently owned advertising agencies, which do not compete with each other but serve as allies to help in unfamiliar markets.

Media Platforms & Technology

Agency Trading Desk

A managed service layer of a larger agency, most often on top of a demand-side platform (DSP) partner and other audience buying technologies. Manages programmatic, bid­-based media, and audience buying for the agency.

Development Operations (DevOps)


A program installed on specific physical servers in order to handle the execution of various processes on that server.

Development Operations (DevOps)

Agile methodology

While Agile gets thrown around by project managers, and is used to describe everything from teams to tools, it’s actually a project management methodology that was originally created with software development in mind. Depending on who you talk to, you may run into wildly varying definitions for what constitutes Agile. But the Agile manifesto that […]

Development Operations (DevOps)

Agile Software Development

A software development methodology and philosophy, focused on user feedback, software quality, and the ability to respond quickly to changes and new product requirements



a marketing technique in which crypto projects send their native tokens directly to the wallets of their users in an effort to increase awareness and adoption.