
Author: WAV

Film & Broadcast


Director’s Guild of America. A union which represents directors, assistant directors, production managers, and various video personnel.

Film & Broadcast

Dialogue track

A sound track which carries lip sync speech. (Sound)

Film & Broadcast

Differential Rewind

A device designed to permit simultaneous winding of film on more than one reel at a time even though the diameters of the rolls are unequal. (Film Editing)



The process of researching, identifying and marketing unique characteristics of a brand, as compared to those of its competitors.



the level of computing power needed to verify transactions and mine blocks on a proof-of-work blockchain.


Difficulty Bomb

the process of increasing the difficulty of a proof-of-work blockchain in order to motivate the transition to another consensus algorithm (such as proof-of-stake in the case of Ethereum).

Film & Broadcast


A reference to a system whereby a continuously variable analog signal is reduced and encoded into discrete binary bits that establish a mathematical model of an original signal or other information.

Digital Media & Advertising

Digital advertising

Digital advertising is an advertising strategy designed to promote businesses, products, and services through online channels. Digital advertising gives advertisers the ability to drive revenue by focusing on moving users through the buying funnel and making data-driven decisions.

General Advertising

Digital Agency

A digital agency focuses more on strategy and technical development than the creative aspects of marketing. A full-service digital agency will also likely provide web design, ecommerce, etc.

Out of Home (OOH)

Digital Billboard

Billboards that can change advertising content using digital technology. Content is static with multiple advertising message presented in rotation every few seconds.

Out of Home (OOH)

Digital OOH Media

Any OOH display that can change its advertising content using addressable screen technology.

Out of Home (OOH)

Digital Place-Based Media

Addressable OOH screens that change advertising content remotely, excluding roadside digital OOH media such as billboards and bus shelters. Digital place-based media includes a broad range of content including static messages and full motion video with an audio track.

Film & Broadcast

Digital Recording

A method of recording in which samples of the original analog signal are encoded on tape or disk as binary information for storage or processing. The signal can then be copied repeatedly with no degradation. (Sound)

General Advertising

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the application of digital technology into all areas of a business, increasing efficiency and value to customers. Processes become automated, goals are data based and customers are directly involved via social media.

Film & Broadcast


A device for varying power to the lights. (Lighting)

Film & Broadcast


Branches which are placed in front of a light as a cookie would to cut the light and provide a shadow pattern. (Grip/Lighting)

Media Platforms & Technology

Direct Data

Data that is gathered firsthand rather than through a third party. Direct data is usually more current, a better indication of behavioral insights and good for creating more granular or niche audiences. Evaluation of direct data providers focuses on sound and lawful methodology for data collection and the ability to scale data up accurately. For […]

Media Buying

Direct Mail Advertising

Any printed material sent via mail directly to target customers.

Print Media

Direct Mail Advertising

Any printed material sent through the mail directly to prospective customers.

General Advertising

Direct Marketing

Direct marketing is advertising from businesses straight to customers, e.g., text messages and physical mailings.

Social Media Marketing

Direct Message

Private message sent directly to a user’s inbox is called DM. Send DMs on Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and other social media platforms for personalized customer service and private query resolution.