
Author: WAV



in the context of the internet, data refers to a user’s personal information, such as name, age, location, interests, browsing history, device usage, purchasing habits, etc. Web3 aims to protect this personal data and give ownership of it back to the user.

Media Platforms & Technology

Data (First-Party, Second-Party, Third-Party)

First-party data is information directly collected from a company’s own source on consumers’ behaviors, actions, or interests, so it’s “owned” by a single source. This can include a brand’s customer database, information about website visits or actions on their website, and other points of engagement collected about that business’s customers or visitors. This data is […]

Media Platforms & Technology

Data Management Platform (DMP)

A data warehouse used to aggregate and target relevant audience segments. Once aggregated, this data is easily accessible to marketers for planning, activation/modeling, and validation / measurement.

General Advertising

Data Visualization

Data visualization is graphical presentation of data and information, often intended to share concepts and patterns with stakeholders or other decision-makers.

Media Platforms & Technology

Data Warehouse

Central Repository for integrated data from multiple sources (Salesforce, AD Reporting, AdTrain, and many more).

WordPress CMS


A Database is an organized collection of data, and in terms of WordPress it refers to the whole your website data. This is all your posts, comments, themes, plugins, design – everything.

Film & Broadcast

DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)

A computer-based recording and editing machine used for manipulating sounds. (Sound)

Film & Broadcast

Day Out of Days

A form designating the workdays for various cast or crewmembers of a given production.

General Advertising


To daypart is to separate a day into segments for the purposes of scheduling commercials and programming appropriate for the various time periods in a day. Often used with broadcasting schedules, a daypart might be morning drive, daytime, prime time or late night, for example.

TV and Radio Media Buying


Radio and television advertisements are divided up into time segments for scheduling purposes. These segments include primetime, daytime, late night, early morning, and total day.


DD- Due Diligence

the process of conducting your own research on a cryptocurrency, stock, or other asset before investing. Doing your own DD is essential, as opposed to making an investment based on what someone else says or does.

Film & Broadcast

Dead spot

A place in which a sound waves are canceled by reflections arriving out of phase with the wanted signal thus creating an area of silence or poor audibility. (Acoustics)

Film & Broadcast

Dead Sync

An editorial term meaning that sound and picture elements are perfectly aligned. (Film Editing)

Media Buying


The final date and time for accepting final buy to meet a publication schedule.

Film & Broadcast

Deal Memo

A form which lists the pertinent details of salary, guaranteed conditions, and other essentials of a work agreement negotiated between a member of the cast or crew and a production company.



A debit is an increase in an asset or expense account, or a decrease in a liability or equity account.



a system that operates without the control of a central figure or authority, and replaces it with a distributed peer-to-peer network.

Film & Broadcast


The device which reads the enclosed signal or pulse and turns it into some form of usable information.

Email Marketing

Dedicated IP

In email marketing, it refers to an IP address from which only you send email.

Film & Broadcast

Deep Focus

A style of cinematography and staging that uses relatively wide angle lenses and small lens apertures by maintaining objects in the extreme background and foreground simultaneously focused. (Cinematography)


DeFi- Decentralized Finance

the ecosystem of borderless, trustless, peer-to-peer financial tools being built on public blockchains without the use of banks. DeFi apps are built to be open and interconnected, allowing them to be used in conjunction with one another.