
Author: WAV

Social Media Management


A Community Manager, or other Community Professional. Often used as #cmgr.

General Advertising


A CMO is an organization’s chief marketing officer. The CMO is responsible for maintaining a company’s vision and developing brand strategy around it.

Media Buying


An acronym for cyan, magenta, yellow and black – the four ink colors used in full-color printing.



The use of two or more brand names in support of a new product, service or venture. Co-branding is a strategy that couples the strengths, awareness and customers of one brand with another in order to increase brand equity, target specific markets and/or combine brand values in the mind of the consumer.

Out of Home (OOH)


The sharing of advertising costs between a manufacturer and distributor or dealer.

Film & Broadcast

Coded Edge Numbers

A system of marking films with a series of sequential numbers for the purpose of maintaining an established synchronous relationship. (Film Editing)


Cohort analysis

An analysis of customer behaviors, during a specified time frame, of a subset of your ecommerce customers that have been segmented from all your visitors based on shared characteristics.



a cryptocurrency built on its own native blockchain, intended to be used as a store of value and medium of exchange within that ecosystem.


Cold Wallet

an offline device used to store cryptocurrencies. Cold wallets can be hardware devices or simply sheets of paper containing a user’s private keys. Because cold wallets are not connected to the internet, they are generally a safer method of storing cryptocurrencies.

Social Media Management


A specific member engagement profile. Refers to the type of community member who collaborates in the community (i.e. creates value – this could be training materials, code/apps, events, product specs, marketing materials, etc) as well as creates content independently.



any asset accepted as security for a loan, such as a physical asset like real estate, or a digital asset like an NFT.

Agile Methodology

Collective Ownership

Collective code ownership is the explicit convention that every team member can make changes to any code file as necessary: either to complete a development task, to repair a defect, or to improve the code’s overall structure.


Color System

A brand’s master color guide that consists of primary and secondary palettes of print and digital color values that govern all usages of brand assets to ensure a sense of hierarchy, consistency, usability and harmony. The strategic selection of color, tones and hues evokes emotion for—and recognition of—a particular brand.

Print Media

Column Inch

A unit of newspaper space one column wide and one inch deep (14 agate lines).

Media Buying

Column Inch

Publication space that is one column wide by one-inch high, used as a measure of advertising space. Column inches are used to determine the cost of ads.

Media Buying

Combination Rate

A discounted advertising rate offered to advertisers for buying advertising space in two or more publications owned by the same company.

Film & Broadcast

Combo Box

A six pocket stage box that can be converted from three-phase four-wire to single phase three-wire operation. (Lighting)

Film & Broadcast

Combo Stand

A heavy duty 2K stand without wheels. It is called a combo because it can be used for both reflectors and lights. (Grip/Lighting)

Out of Home (OOH)

Commercial Audience

Audience estimates of people exposed to actual advertising. TAB OOH Ratings are the first media measurement system providing true commercial audiences of OOH advertising rather than audiences that are merely exposed to editorial content (e.g. read a magazine, read a newspaper or tuned to a TV program, etc.)

Development Operations (DevOps)


A way to record the changes to a repository and add a log message to describe the changes that were made.

Social Media Marketing


A group of people who convene towards a specific goal or interest is called a community. Build communities on social media for a broader and quicker reach at a low cost.