
Author: WAV


Brand Extension

Leveraging the values of the brand to take the brand into new markets/sectors. A brand must first establish brand equity in order to successfully and intentionally extend into new categories and offerings.


Brand Gap

The gap between an organization’s business and creative strategies. Bridging the gap creates a cohesive brand identity that unites strategy and creative teams, and drives better customer connections.


Brand Guidelines

A comprehensive document or rulebook affirming the principles of a brand and providing guidance for understanding its legacy, vision, mission, personality and attributes. Brand standards inform staff, external agencies and vendors of the code under which the brand operates. It serves to establish appropriate usage, variants and application of each of the brand assets, and […]


Brand Harmonization

Ensuring that all products in a particular brand range have a consistent name, visual identity and, ideally, positioning across a number of geographic or product/service markets. This consistency allows for a clear articulation of offerings that set boundaries and facilitate harmony between a brand’s promise and the public’s expectations.


Brand Hierarchy

The order of importance of individual brands within the architecture of a company’s larger entity or parent brand. A system or order that differentiates the individual sub-brands of a larger brand and can be based on size, performance, public recognition and financial value. Example: Hershey’s has a hierarchy of sub-brands including Reese, Almond Joy, Jolly […]


Brand Identity

The outward expression of a brand as it is seen and heard in the market—specifically the distinguishing verbal and visual elements and messages that appeal to the customer. These include the brand name, logo, tagline, tone and typography. Brand identity reinforces the brand’s position relative to the competition and articulates the intended brand message.

General Advertising

Brand Identity

Brand identity encompasses all aspects of a product, service or company, from its name, logo and tagline to its core values, among many other factors. It is the sum of a brand’s efforts to be portray itself the way it wants to be perceived.


Brand Image

The customer’s net “out-take” from the brand. For users this is based on practical experience of the product or service concerned (informed impressions) and how well this meets expectations; for non-users it is based almost entirely upon uninformed impressions, attitudes and beliefs.

Media Platforms & Technology

Brand Lift

Digital measurement that leverages surveys to quantify the increase in brand perception against key purchase funnel metrics, including awareness, ad recall, brand attributes, favorability, preference, consideration, intent, and perception. Questions can include: “Which of the following brands have you heard of?” and “Which of the following would you consider purchasing?” Brand lift studies leverage a […]


Brand Management

A continued analysis and execution of all techniques utilized to maximize the value of the brand over time. The management of all tangible and intangible elements representing or supporting the brand experience with the goal of increasing brand awareness and enhancing brand loyalty.


Brand Map

A visual manifestation of a brand that provides a top-level view of all its inner workings, including employee roles, brand purpose, offerings and pricing. The brand map can be a useful tool to guide employee onboarding and training as well as larger organizational initiatives such as mergers and acquisitions.


Brand Personality

The attribution of human personality traits (seriousness, warmth, imagination, etc.) to drive differentiation and customer connection. These traits inform brand behavior and are manifested to customers through employee actions and through prepared communication, packaging and advertising.


Brand Positioning

The distinctive space that a brand occupies in its competitive environment to ensure that individuals can recognize and elect the brand over others. Brand positioning involves the careful manipulation of all marketing elements in order to claim the brand’s desired market position and clearly establish its unique impression in the customer’s mind.


Brand Preference

A gauge of customer choice in a particular category, or the act of a customer choosing one product over another.

General Advertising

Brand Purpose

Brand purpose is why a brand exists, other than to make a profit. Brand purpose is not a product or the technology needed to create it, but it is the deeper reason for a brand or company’s existence, often a cause or belief.

Media Platforms & Technology

Brand Safety

A set of measures that work to protect the reputation of a brand from the negative or damaging effects of undesirable or inappropriate content when advertising online. These measures can include employing blocklists or allowlists, preventing ads from being displayed on websites in certain content categories (including piracy, adult, hate speech, and known malware sites), […]

General Advertising

Brand Safety

Brand safety encompasses the strategies and technologies used to make sure ads are placed only in contexts that would not harm the brand. Tools for this are often added to ad exchanges.


Brand Salience

The strength or weakness of a brand in a particular purchasing decision, influenced by its brand positioning.


Brand Strategy

The long-term strategy that guides a business in the development of a brand and its implementation in every aspect of marketing and operations. It serves as a guidepost for internal stakeholders and partners and clarifies a company’s value to its customers.


Brand Valuation

The estimated financial value that all of a brand’s tangible and intangible assets bring to a company. It is frequently used to guide brand strategy and make the case for branding investments, and it showcases the impact that a brand has on business performance now and in the future.


Brand Values

An unwavering declaration of values or promises that steers a brand toward its “true north.” Brand values are the internal attributes that establish a brand’s unique transactional philosophy, underline its purpose and guide its decisions and behaviors.