Social Media Management Glossary
Social Media Management
Super User
A highly-bought-in member of the community. Super users “drink the kool aid”. They are regular contributors to community activities and generally become familiar faces on the platform. Community Managers often leverage Super Users for informal support, and tap them for involvement in formal Member Leadership Programs.
Social Media Marketing
A social media functionality that allows users to links the profile of the person or business targetted or referred to in the content. Use the exclusive tagging features available in social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Linkedin to increase your target and reach.
Social Media Management
Generating, applying and managing the electronic tags or keywords used in your community to classify and describe content, to make it more findable and discoverable.
Social Media Marketing
Selecting the potential audience for your ads and campaigns is called targeting. Many social advertising platforms let you choose targets based on age, location, gender, interests, and other factors.
Social Media Management
The classification that content is based, within a community.
Social Media Marketing
Text Ads
Simple ads with text blurbs and small imagery are text ads. Design text ads for highly targeted, compelling marketing campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Social Media Marketing
A series of comments or conversations happening on discussion forums is called a thread. Contributing to trending threads by helping resolve consumer issues is a great way to build credibility and trust.
Social Media Marketing
The number of users who visit a particular website or a landing page constitutes its traffic. Use social media marketing effectively on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube to boost web traffic and leads.
Social Media Marketing
A specific topic, subject, event, or a hashtag that receives a sudden surge in popularity on social media is known as a trending topic. Publish videos, blog posts, and other relevant trending topic content on Twitter, Facebook, and other networks for increased reach and engagement.
Social Media Marketing
People who deliberately provoke or bully others by posting offensive, inflammatory and off-topic messages are called trolls. Antisocial users and not angry customers usually plant them.
Social Media Marketing
Active Twitter users are called Tweeterati. They tweet and retweet on any particular topic that they are passionate about.
Social Media Marketing
User Generated Content
Blogs, videos, photos, quotes, memes, and other content that is created by users and fans are called user generated content. Post UGC campaigns on a particular topic that is trending to spark conversations and drive more engagement from users.
Social Media Management
User Experience. The process of designing web pages, software applications or processes that make tasks and behaviors easy, enjoyable and intuitive for the user.
Social Media Marketing
Anything that spreads exponentially on social media is termed viral. Creating viral content for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube users is a cost-effective way to reach and engage more audiences.
Social Media Marketing
A portmanteau of the words, ‘video’ and ‘blog,’ Vlog enables smooth video sharing across media platforms. Incorporate brand stories in vlogs for incredible reach and engagement on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
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Social Media Marketing
An online seminar or presentation that is live-streamed or pre-recorded by a company, team, or individual to educate the audience on a topic is called a webinar. Post webinars on Twitter and LinkedIn for effective lead generation and to build brand credibility.
Email Marketing
Instead of listing IP addresses to block, a whitelist includes IP addresses that have been approved to deliver email to a recipient.
Social Media Management
Work Out Loud. An engagement practice to create member collisions that allow participants to see what others are doing, ask for advice and give input to others. WOL programs are practiced in many communities and have a number of benefits. Check out this great blog post by John Stepper to dig a little deeper into […]