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Agile Methodology Glossary

Agile Methodology

Three C’s

“Card, Conversation, Confirmation” is a formula that captures the components of a User Story.

Agile Methodology

Three Questions

The daily meeting is structured around some variant of the following three questions: What have you completed? What will you do next? What is getting in your way?

Agile Methodology


A timebox is a previously agreed period of time during which a person or a team works steadily towards completion of some goal.

Agile Methodology

Ubiquitous Language

Striving to use the vocabulary of a given business domain, not only in discussions about the requirements for a software product, but in discussions of design as well and all the way into “the product’s source code itself.”

Agile Methodology

Unit Testing

A unit test is a short program fragment written and maintained by the developers on the product team, which exercises some narrow part of the product’s source code and checks the results.

Agile Methodology

Usability Testing

Usability testing is an empirical, exploratory technique to answer questions such as “how would an end user respond to our software under realistic conditions?”

Agile Methodology

User Stories

In consultation with the customer or product owner, the team divides up the work to be done into functional increments called “user stories.”

Agile Methodology

User Story Template

The user story template is one of the most commonly recommended aids to write user stories: As a … I want … So that …

Agile Methodology


At the end of each iteration, the team adds up effort estimates associated with user stories that were completed during that iteration. This total is called velocity.

Agile Methodology

Version Control

Version control is not strictly an Agile “practice” insofar as it is now widespread in the industry as a whole. But it is mentioned here for several reasons.

Agile Methodology

XP – Extreme Programming

Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile software development framework that aims to produce higher quality software, and higher quality of life for the development team. XP is the most specific of the agile frameworks regarding appropriate engineering practices for software development.